Bunch of Bitches


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
Okay, my wedding is two weeks from Sunday and I have not done even one single Bridezilla thing. I've been patient and diligent, I've been loving and understanding and pretty goddamn easy fucking going if you ask me.

So three weeks ago my two bridesmaids decide to throw me a bridal shower (originally I'd declined because the wedding is so small but now we're having a huge reception on the 4th of July so I gave the ok), well it's been nothing but a fat sack of bitching, pissing and moaning and not to each other but to ME!! I didn't fucking ask for the shower, I was excited when they decided to do it but honest to fucking God, if it's that much fucking trouble DON'T BOTHER!! Poor planning on their parts has made it a fiasco anyway, invitations didn't go out until last fucking Thursday and it's THIS Saturday. I'll be lucky if five fuckin' people show up, my sister-in-law can't go for Christ's SAKE! Jesus FUCK when will people learn that this is supposed to be a happy time for me and I don't give a shit about all the drama?!?!?!?!?!

I have enough shit to do, I don't need to spend an hour on the phone with each bridesmaid talking them off a ledge.



Be patient till the last.
L_G, it's part of the territory. The only way to escape bloody pre-wedding aggro is to ELOPE!
hang in there, Babe.


Let's fuck some shit up
In that case, curious, will you elope with me?

Vegas, baby!

L_G can go, too. Work out some stress at a good spa.


I want to smell dark matter
Who are you marrying?


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
It's the best non-kept secret EVAH

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Yeah, who are you marrying??
;) :) :shock:


Be patient till the last.
yeah, BABY!!! NOW we're talkin'!

(dont read this boys; women are such animals at these things and I dont want you to lose your collective innocence!)


I want to smell dark matter


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Just go with it LG, doesn't matter if only a couple people show up. If that happens you should all go out to dinner and to a bar or something, just have a good time.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Your bridesmaids sound like whiney bitches. You should chop off their tits and make them choke on them.



Be patient till the last.
^ luckily the wine glass was on the table at the reading of this post.