Bush 'is planning nuclear strikes on Iran's secret sites'


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Well if we do, at least we won't have to read bullshit from the mainstream media about all these fucking bullshit made-up Iranian superweapons anymore.

Supercavitating undetectable torpedoes. Supermissiles that can "avoid radar" (not to be confused with "absorb radar") and release multi-vector payloads (not to be confused with cluster munitions).

Seriously, what's fucking next? A CNN report on their newly-unveiled planet-destroying space station? Jesus, at what point will even the most die-hard, jingoistic Pro-Israeli fanatic stand up and say, "Fuck! Enough, already!"
Your search - "Iran builds Death Star" - did not match any documents.

The rhetoric sounds fairly familiar.

Damn, we've been watching this come for a while, sounds like they're ready to start an offensive within the next few months. I'll bet they're timing it to declare victory right before midterm elections.
Never mind, of course, the shit that spews out of the mouth of the Iranian president, and his belief that he will be bringing the Muslim Ragnarok to pass.

It would be like allowing the Heaven's Gate cult to join the nuclear club.

But nooooo, it's all about the eeeeevil Republicans in the White House.

Besides, isn't that test in the Nevada desert supposed to be conventional explosives designed to do the same thing as this "Big Blue" bomb?
Number_6 said:
Never mind, of course, the shit that spews out of the mouth of the Iranian president, and his belief that he will be bringing the Muslim Ragnarok to pass.
He openly stated the wishes of many Arabs: Israel should be wiped off the map.

It would be like allowing the Heaven's Gate cult to join the nuclear club.
But it's the more secular Middle Eastern nations which are able to maintain the infrastructure needed to create and guard nuclear weapons.

But nooooo, it's all about the eeeeevil Republicans in the White House.
I'd say it's the evil Neocons.
My opinion is, with all the stuff he's had enough guts to say, it isn't really necessary for the western press to invent Iranian superweapons.
A quick review. In 2001, the US, with international support, invades Afghanistan. Support from Pakistan is critical in this matter, as the map makes clear - US forces came to Afghanistan primarily through Pakistan and Uzbekistan. As Afghanistan was in a state of civil unrest, it was fairly easy for US forces to depose the Taleban.

Use of Pakistani airspace was necessary, but entirely usable. The US installs a permanent military presence in Afghanistan. The new Afghanistani government has no choice but to accept it.

2002: Bush describes "Iraq, Iran, and North Korea" as an "Axis of Evil."

2003: The US invades Iraq, allegedly in order to control . Support from Turkey, whose interest is in there not being a Kurdish state established, is easily obtained and highly useful. The demoralized Iraqi military - whose existence was primarily to fight against Iran - collapses easily.

The new Iraqi government has no choice but to accept an apparently permanent US military presence, although mounting protests suggest that the US will have to start drawing down troop presences.

The US makes noises about Syria having received Iraq's WMD, but this drumbeat is dropped after a while.

Now, North Korea is in no real danger of being invaded - nor, for that matter, are we ready to try and conquer Pakistan or Turkey, although the propaganda machines make it clear we are supposed to be uncomfortable with Pakistan. Both may or may not allow us to use their airspace or station troops through their borders; both have very strong militaries.

However, firm control of Afghanistan and Iraq puts us in a perfect position to invade Iran, with or without help from any of our Islamic allies. Our air bases in Saudi Arabia can be used for airstrikes; such could also be performed from the Indian Ocean. We can engage Iran from both directions.

This seems likely to succeed. The only surprise is that this hasn't started yet. I suspect the administration does not trust success to last against Iran (a far more stubborn and unified opponent than Iraq or Afghanistan), and allowing only the initial phases before the midterm elections will have the population at its best achievable war-fervor.

Conquering Iran also allows installation of military bases there. A US military presence in Iran allows supply of operations in Afghanistan and Iraq that doesn't pass through independent Islamic nations, particularly Pakistan - allowing the administration to harden its stance towards Pakistan, or - should future administrations be even more in favor of war on the entire Islamic world - start in on Syria and Jordan with minimal justification the next time they have a spat with Israel. After all, there would be an occupied US imperial presence right there.

At this point, I doubt that any invasion of Pakistan is planned for the immediat future, due to Pakistan's ability to reach Israel with the nuclear weapons it has stationed on the Iranian border; however, you can bet that the moment Pakistan starts to experience serious political upheaval, US forces will be there to "stabilize" the situation in their favor.
Messenger said:
I think they added North Korea to make it seem like the list wasn't written in Tel Aviv.
With an active nuclear program, technically at war with the US, and one of the least US-friendly regimes on the planet (not to mention one of the most easily made fun of) NK was a must-have on the list.

Of course... you never want to start anything there. Too many large militaries staring right at it. The most significant armies not involved there are India, Pakistan, and Turkey - and two of those are right next to China. I've outlined WWIII scenarios that start out in the Korean peninsula, and they're really messy looking, no matter how high an opinion of your own strength you hold and who you root for.
The Question said:
Well if we do, at least we won't have to read bullshit from the mainstream media about all these fucking bullshit made-up Iranian superweapons anymore.

Supercavitating undetectable torpedoes. Supermissiles that can "avoid radar" (not to be confused with "absorb radar") and release multi-vector payloads (not to be confused with cluster munitions).

Seriously, what's fucking next? A CNN report on their newly-unveiled planet-destroying space station? Jesus, at what point will even the most die-hard, jingoistic Pro-Israeli fanatic stand up and say, "Fuck! Enough, already!"

"Sometimes a scream is better than a thesis." -

Ralph Waldo Emerson
TJHairball said:
With an active nuclear program, technically at war with the US, and one of the least US-friendly regimes on the planet (not to mention one of the most easily made fun of) NK was a must-have on the list.
I don't think such a technicality as being 'at war' is taken into account in such an unrivaled age of propaganda. China has been more bellicose and more willing to through its might around than NK. There is no real reason to justify an invasion of NK over other despotic regime/nations. True, they might eventually have nuclear weapons.... but I don't think China and Russia would ever allow the United States to procure such an effective casus belli against NK, which has always struck me as being a problem child in the Northeastern family of nations, which China and Russia looking into each others' eyes and rolling them at its antics.

Of course... you never want to start anything there. Too many large militaries staring right at it. The most significant armies not involved there are India, Pakistan, and Turkey - and two of those are right next to China. I've outlined WWIII scenarios that start out in the Korean peninsula, and they're really messy looking, no matter how high an opinion of your own strength you hold and who you root for.
NK military might is staggering when taking into account the battlefield terrain. With US forces stretched so thinly I can state with certainty that a sudden invasion couldn't be repelled without the use of nuclear weapons.
Messenger said:
I don't think such a technicality as being 'at war' is taken into account in such an unrivaled age of propaganda. China has been more bellicose and more willing to through its might around than NK. There is no real reason to justify an invasion of NK over other despotic regime/nations. True, they might eventually have nuclear weapons.... but I don't think China and Russia would ever allow the United States to procure such an effective casus belli against NK, which has always struck me as being a problem child in the Northeastern family of nations, which China and Russia looking into each others' eyes and rolling them at its antics.
Actually, I was under the impression NK had nuclear weapons already, as noted here. Almost certainly. This, along with the ability to drop them on Japan the instant everything drops in the crapper, mean we won't step things up.

Not to mention that China and Russia do border NK. Any altercation would take place within full sight (and probably involve) five of the world's seven largest armies, and at least four of the world's eight best funded armies.

That is the deterrent. If the US were to try and take on NK over anything short of the actual use of WMDs (on Japan, most likely), it would not be pretty.
NK military might is staggering when taking into account the battlefield terrain. With US forces stretched so thinly I can state with certainty that a sudden invasion couldn't be repelled without the use of nuclear weapons.
With US forces stretched thinly, we can't really afford another Korean War. Iran is a much more attractive target,for all the reasons I outlined. (Nothing is a more perfect target than Iran for expanding the New American Empire. I challenge you to find a better target.)

Now, including NK in the "axis of evil" does give some extra influence at the table after you've knocked off the other two, but I frankly think we're waiting for Kim Jong Il to die before we even try serious peace talks.

Besides, it's all about conquering the Islamic world. Sure, it's a little late for the Tenth Crusade, but why not?
The Question said:
Well if we do, at least we won't have to read bullshit from the mainstream media about all these fucking bullshit made-up Iranian superweapons anymore.

Supercavitating undetectable torpedoes. Supermissiles that can "avoid radar" (not to be confused with "absorb radar") and release multi-vector payloads (not to be confused with cluster munitions).

Seriously, what's fucking next? A CNN report on their newly-unveiled planet-destroying space station? Jesus, at what point will even the most die-hard, jingoistic Pro-Israeli fanatic stand up and say, "Fuck! Enough, already!"

Damn! The Iranians have access to Russian weaponry?? Whew.
You Americans are so naive. Canada is in possession of the world's deadliest torpedo. At the moment the USA is begging us to hand it over to them. We Canadians owe it all to the Russians as it is their torpedo. The USA does not even have this technology yet. Big surprise.
TJHairball said:
Actually, I was under the impression NK had nuclear weapons already, as noted here. Almost certainly. This, along with the ability to drop them on Japan the instant everything drops in the crapper, mean we won't step things up.

Not to mention that China and Russia do border NK. Any altercation would take place within full sight (and probably involve) five of the world's seven largest armies, and at least four of the world's eight best funded armies.

That is the deterrent. If the US were to try and take on NK over anything short of the actual use of WMDs (on Japan, most likely), it would not be pretty.With US forces stretched thinly, we can't really afford another Korean War. Iran is a much more attractive target,for all the reasons I outlined. (Nothing is a more perfect target than Iran for expanding the New American Empire. I challenge you to find a better target.)

Now, including NK in the "axis of evil" does give some extra influence at the table after you've knocked off the other two, but I frankly think we're waiting for Kim Jong Il to die before we even try serious peace talks.

Besides, it's all about conquering the Islamic world. Sure, it's a little late for the Tenth Crusade, but why not?

We Canadians are aware US forces are stretched thin. Why do you think we are considering invading your country with our RCMP??
TJHairball said:
Actually, I was under the impression NK had nuclear weapons already, as noted here. Almost certainly. This, along with the ability to drop them on Japan the instant everything drops in the crapper, mean we won't step things up.

Not to mention that China and Russia do border NK. Any altercation would take place within full sight (and probably involve) five of the world's seven largest armies, and at least four of the world's eight best funded armies.

That is the deterrent. If the US were to try and take on NK over anything short of the actual use of WMDs (on Japan, most likely), it would not be pretty.With US forces stretched thinly, we can't really afford another Korean War. Iran is a much more attractive target,for all the reasons I outlined. (Nothing is a more perfect target than Iran for expanding the New American Empire. I challenge you to find a better target.)

Now, including NK in the "axis of evil" does give some extra influence at the table after you've knocked off the other two, but I frankly think we're waiting for Kim Jong Il to die before we even try serious peace talks.

Besides, it's all about conquering the Islamic world. Sure, it's a little late for the Tenth Crusade, but why not?

Conquer the Islamic world? Sheeit. You cannot even conquer itty-bitty unarmed Iraq. The only nation to ever utterly destroy Islam was our British Empire. Do you see the fucking Ottoman Empire around you piece of shit? I thought not. So shut the fuck up about the 'mighty' USA ever doing anything about Islam. You can barely pick this little bits of shit called ISCHABITTLE out of your assholes.