Bush Rages: “I am not Beelzebub, Lord of Sulfur”


New member
My oh my, has Hugo Chavez caused a furor. Looking at the news reports filed in the last 24 hours, one would think that he snuck a dirty-bomb into the United Nations rather than gave a speech. In fact, the plucky Chavez may have delivered the finest 30 minute presentation that august assembly has ever heard. In that short span of time he publicly throttled the Global Emperor in front of 6 billion people and left his bruised and bloodied carcass splattered across the canvas like Roberto Duran in Round 9 of the middleweight championship match…..

Boom, boom, boom…until the crowd rose in a thunderous 5 minute ovation. (which was carefully omitted from the TV coverage)

The entire world is CRAZY, but America is SANE!!!!
Chavez: U.S. Detained Foreign Minister

Maduro told CNN Espanol shortly after being released that he was confined to a small room and told to remove his clothes.

Maduro said that when he explained that he was the Venezuelan foreign minister and showed his diplomatic passport, he said he was threatened, pushed and yelled at by immigration and police officials.
Great diplomacy at work here, people!

You have to wonder: was this is just to 'get back' at Chavez for his speech at the UN?
Sarek said:
I don't think so. If Bush wanted revenge, he'd just invade.
Have you been keeping up to date on the developments in Venezuela? Chavez has managed to sidestep most every casus belli quite well.
Kefka said:
Have you been keeping up to date on the developments in Venezuela? Chavez has managed to sidestep most every casus belli quite well.

No, just what I've read here. I was aware of Chavez' comments and the claims of the VFM, but I really haven't had time this weekend to read much follow up.