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Bush to be impeached??

Never happen. The Dems aren't willing to commit political suicide.

Think about it: After Bush "stole" the election in 2000, there was this massive campaign by the Democrats to invigorate voters and bring sweeping change to the White House.

And they still lost. Decisively. I don't think they're willing to gamble the precious little political capital they still have on political gambit that's destined to fail once it reaches the Senate. If you think Kerry galvanized Republicans on a national level, impeaching a President who is still incredibly popular with voters of his party would be cause for massive pushes for recall elections in Democratically-controlled states.

Even Tipsy Teddy ain't drunk enought to try and pull this shit.
Big Dick McGee said:
If you think Kerry galvanized Republicans on a national level, impeaching a President who is still incredibly popular with voters of his party would be cause for massive pushes for recall elections in Democratically-controlled states.
Even Tipsy Teddy ain't drunk enought to try and pull this shit.

"With voters of his own party"

That pretty much sums it up. As long as his party is happy, who cares? We'll just forget the fact that his popularity rating amoung the general population over whom he governs is at a record (dare we say 'historic"?) low.
The fact is, there are more people who would be against impeachment than would support it. The Dems would be playing Russian Roulette by trying to impeach the President.
Big Dick McGee said:
The fact is, there are more people who would be against impeachment than would support it. The Dems would be playing Russian Roulette by trying to impeach the President.

What is your soruce for that "fact"? Link please!
Big Dick McGee said:
Oh, I don't know, the "fact" that President Bush was reelected by a wide margin?

Jeez. Based on that logic, impeachment proceedings against Clinton should have never gotten underway. After all, he was elected to a second term. But that didn't stop the republicans from screaming for impeachment.
OK, so it isn't a fact then, it's your opinion.

The fact that he was re-elected 2 years ago is irrelevant to his popularity NOW!

Don't know how to break that to you. Things change. He could be more popular, he could be less popular. Basing your assumptions on 2 year old data is faulty debating.

Sorry sweets, it just is.

NOW stated as an opinion, it's fine. It's just not a fact until you provide proof that the majority of Americans would NOT want him to be impeached considering all that has occurred since Bush was re-elected in 2004.

Claiming that, is like saying that you're just as popular at your job now as you were when you were hired, despite the fact that you embezzled 80,000 dollars since your hire date. [Not you as in BDM, you as in the generic you out there in cyber land.]
Big Dick McGee said:
Never happen. The Dems aren't willing to commit political suicide.

Yes they are, they do it every day. HELL! Even Cindy "crazy as shit" Sheehan doesn't have faith that the Dems will turn it out during mid-term elections. The Dems have more than jumped the shark if that's possible.

Also Sarek, "historic"...hardly. His ratings aren't that great but I always wonder, who in the hell are these pollsters asking and when are they asking it? I've never once been asked my opinion of President Bush, his administration or the job he's doing. My best guess would be they're asking the lazy jobless fucks that are home in the middle of the day to take their call.
Sarek said:
Jeez. Based on that logic, impeachment proceedings against Clinton should have never gotten underway. After all, he was elected to a second term. But that didn't stop the republicans from screaming for impeachment.

Receiving bad intelligence and lying under oath are two totally different things...Or didn't you know that?

Make no mistake, if there weren't grounds for Clinton's impeachment he wouldn't have been impeached. Much as Republicans would like to take credit for nailing Clinton, Clinton's own stupidity and over blown ego did it for us.
Sarek said:
Jeez. Based on that logic, impeachment proceedings against Clinton should have never gotten underway. After all, he was elected to a second term. But that didn't stop the republicans from screaming for impeachment.

You can't stop congress from starting impeachment hearings. Clinton remains only the second President ever impeached, after Andrew Jackson. The difference is, Clinton's impeachment was never passed in the Senate, and thus he was not removed from office. The same thing would happen were President Bush to be impeached, it would never pass the Senate.
What "high crimes or misdemeanors" has Bush committed?

You can't impeach a president because he's unpopular. That may fly in California, but the Founding Fathers made it a little more difficult to unseat the president.

Clinton was impeached because he lied under oath. Was it necessary to go through that little charade? Probably not. But it was legal, and in accordance with the Constitution. Clinton committed a crime, and, eventually, admitted it.

We cannot, as a country, continue this pattern of political attack followed two or four years later by an act of revenge. Not if the Republic is going to survive.
Actually, yes, I still believe that. Bush as much as said so in an interview awhile back.

And don't call me Surely. ;) know what?

My nephew enlisted in the army about 4 years ago. He left in the middle of basic training.

He subsequently had a bad patch, and ended up in jail for a couple of years.

Given the two choices, I thank God it went the way it did.

Because instead of celebrating the birth of his first child next month, most probably I'd be mourning his death. For a cause that I barely understand, and definitely don't support.

Yes, an emotional analogy, steeped in pathos. But screw it.
If you are referring to Bush's assertions that Hussein tried to have a former POTUS assassinated, then you are allowing the far left to convince you that this is not a justifiable reason for taking Hussein out. Regardless of what you might feel for either of the Presidents Bush, we cannot have a rogue state trying to off a former POTUS.

If it were Clinton or even Carter that Hussein had tried to assassinate, the left wouldn't be wagging its fingers on this particular point.
Friday said: know what?

My nephew enlisted in the army about 4 years ago. He left in the middle of basic training.

He subsequently had a bad patch, and ended up in jail for a couple of years.

Given the two choices, I thank God it went the way it did.

Because instead of celebrating the birth of his first child next month, most probably I'd be mourning his death. For a cause that I barely understand, and definitely don't support.

Yes, an emotional analogy, steeped in pathos. But screw it.

Given the number of soldiers currently in Iraq and the number of soldiers who have died, the odds are seriously against your nephew getting killed over there.

You've obviously been reading too many garamet posts.