Cable management question.

The Question

Okay, so I discovered a potentially fatal issue for my video card this evening -- some of the cables inside the computer case had hung down into its fan, stopping the fan from running.

Question: Are velcro ties kosher for binding those cables up out of the fan? I don't figure twisty ties would work (metal wire in them) and I'd rather not use plastic zip ties (hell to remove later.) The roommate has been bleating that velcro will cause horrible awful static -- true? Or are they all right to use?

Robert "Monkey" Loggia

Mongoloid Biscuit Beast
They're completely fine


There's also nothing really wrong with twisty ties. They are surrounded by plastic and even if it were not, the small amount of metal in them is very unlikely to short anything. I use somewhat rigid metal wires to suspend a fan inside my media computer (because there were no mounting holes for it in the position I needed) and they have never caused any problems.

Also computers are not nearly as susceptible to static as many believe.

Dr. Death

Registered User
Since when does velcro cause Your roommate needs to go back to computer

I work on these damn boxes all the time and I have never seen static being the cause of computer failure. Most times it is lightening that does the damage from some idiot trying to save money and buying the $5 Walmart power strip.