Calif. Court to Rule on Hiding Sexual History


Something Wicked
Court to Rule on Hiding Sexual History
State justices hear arguments over whether a person must tell a new partner of possible, but not confirmed, exposure to AIDS.
By Maura Dolan, Times Staff Writer
April 5, 2006

The California Supreme Court, considering the case of a woman who said her former husband gave her HIV, appeared Tuesday to favor holding people responsible for failing to disclose previous, unprotected sexual contact with an infected partner.

During an hour of arguments in Los Angeles, several justices indicated there should be consequences for not informing a new sexual partner of possible exposure to AIDS. At the same time, the justices expressed qualms about invading the sexual privacy of people who might get dragged into litigation.

Where do we draw the line?" Justice Kathryn Mickle Werdegar asked.

Under California law, a person can be held liable for monetary damages for failing to disclose that he or she has a sexually transmitted disease. At issue before the court is whether a person should also be responsible for informing a partner when they have reason to suspect they contracted a sexual disease but have not received a diagnosis.

A Los Angeles County woman identified by the court as Bridget B. sued her former husband for allegedly infecting her with HIV on their honeymoon. Bridget wants her ex-spouse, known as John B., to disclose the names of past male lovers and to produce his medical records. John contends she has no right to rummage through his sexual history.

A trial court judge ordered John to provide the information, but an appellate court ruled that the right of sexual privacy under state and federal constitutions limited the kind of information that could be requested during discovery, including the identity of past sexual partners.

Justice Marvin R. Baxter asked a lawyer for John whether someone who had unprotected sex with an HIV-infected partner should inform a new partner of that fact.

"That partner would then have the choice of whether to take that risk or not take that risk," Baxter said.

Eric Multhaup, representing John, said a person should be liable for not disclosing a disease only if he or she has solid reason to suspect an infection, such as symptoms of the disease or a medical opinion.

A sexual encounter with an infected lover is not grounds for disclosure because transmission rates for HIV are relatively low, Multhaup said.

Justice Carol Corrigan seemed skeptical. A person who had unprotected sex with an infected partner stands a higher risk of getting and transmitting the disease, she noted.

"Isn't your risk increased?" Corrigan asked.

Multhaup agreed it was increased but by a "marginal amount."

Chief Justice Ronald M. George indicated he did not believe it a great burden to expect someone to warn a new sexual partner of exposure to a deadly disease.

"What's the burden when we weigh it against the possible benefits?" George asked.

At the same time, George said the court has to be mindful of privacy rights.

Roland Wrinkle, a lawyer for Bridget, said court records can be sealed to protect the privacy of a defendant's former lovers.

Following the hearing, Donald A. Garrard, a lawyer for John, said his client is a financial advisor in his early 40s. He said John and Bridget met at a conference on finance.

Garrard said his client is a heterosexual who tested negative for HIV when he applied for a life insurance policy after the couple was married. "She doesn't have the right to rummage around in his personal history," Garrard said.

In court papers, Bridget alleged that she was diagnosed with HIV six months after her marriage to John. She said he became sick and developed sores on his face and scalp the following year and admitted that he had sexual affairs with men before their marriage.

Jenny Pizer, senior counsel of Lambda Legal, a gay rights group, said she hoped the court would come up with a rule that applied to all sexually transmitted diseases, not just AIDS. She also said her group has strong concerns about protecting the privacy of third parties who could be pulled into a lawsuit.

"One of the very important issues … is the extent to which litigants can do a fishing expedition," Pizer said.

The court will decide the case, John B. vs. Superior Court, S128248, within 90 days.
I would say that informed consent is a must. Failure to inform your partner of the possibility of infection with a potentially lethal medical condition should be a criminal act, and should be morally equated with an act like giving your wife the keys to a car without informing her that the brakes don't work.
It'll be interesting to see where the Calif Court lands on this one. I'm gonna go see if I can find the filed brief and get the *fact's* of the case. I'm big on privacy issues, but there is a public health interest here. AIDS is at pandemic proportions and the state and the public has a vested interest and can theoretically 'make law' to protect the public. Hell what else is government really about if not that.

What will be interesting to see is... will medical records be ordered public if and when someone is diagnosed with a disease such as AIDS. If that happened, how many won't go and be tested for fear of being 'outed'. That's a public health issue as well, because of the long incubation period and the length of time before any symptoms will show up.

Which protects the public more? Non-interference and dealing with the few criminals who don't tell partners, and infect them. OR, thousands of people who don't get tested regularly for fear of going 'positive' and being 'outed'.

Neither is a good solution, I'm wondering which is the lesser of the two evils from a public health POV.

MY personal opinion is that all people who engage in sex should ask partners about their sexual history and should report their own to partners. Informed consent is a must in this day and age.. hell even in other days. STD's have been around a long time and millions of partners have been infected by men and women who were silent about their condition.
I don't think that it will ever go so far as to have your HIV status made public. Believe it or not there are people that just don't care if their partner is positive and wasting money on avenues to make that information available to the public is pointless.
Could be... like I said, it will be interesting to see on which side of the coin the Court comes down on.
Well, that's another difficult point of a question like that. How do you make the information available to people who have a need to know for health reasons, but keep it private from anyone else?

Of course, the other alternative is to not have sex with people you don't know and trust 100%, but gee, that's too easy, innit? :P
The Question said:
Of course, the other alternative is to not have sex with people you don't know and trust 100%, but gee, that's too easy, innit? :P

True that.

Still, when it comes to AIDS there are other ways of contracting it [although certainly unprotected sex is the most common]. So I'm not sure your suggestion really fits this AIDS case.

Certainly people should be responsible when they engage in sexual activity for a LOT of reasons, AIDS is only one of them.