Troll Kingdom

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Can I get any reprieve?!

I Love Cunt

Watch It
We have a holiday tomorrow and so I'm looking forward to a day of doing nothing and my sister doesn't work tomrrow either! So much for playing X-Box all day. : ( What a stupid fucking spoiled brat I am that I'm complaining about this. But srsly I haven't played xbox in sooo long.
Fuck me and the horse I rode in on.
STupid fucker who fucking won't leave me alone that texted me tonight that I ignored. I WILL NOT BE YOUR BOOTY CALL YOU ASSHOLE!
And then the one I want really really bad but can't have but I'm totally ok with it for some strange reason like God took out my heart or allowed it to freeze or something like that. I'm totally ok, believe me.
I'm hungry I want ice cream all the time my body hurts I'm not sure which foods hurt and which don't my room is unorganized I feel overwhelmed I want the world to stop I want on top I can do it think positively it will be ok i'll be ok, no i won't yes I will