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Cassie vs the evil chicken pirates

Dr Dave

One day Cassie was sitting in a chair looking across her vast cow farm, where she farmed cows (and sometimes fish).

Cassie saw something strange, she saw a ship. What a ship was doing on dry land and in the middle of her cow farm on dry land.

Something was coming off the ship, was it birds? Cassie hated birds, ever since her, her pet frog MooGoo, and a very nice bacon and pepper sandwich was attacked by birds.

"What the" she said out loud... the things that were coming off the ship were chickens!

If there was one thing Cassie hated it was chickens. Sure she would eat them, she even dated a man named Dirk who wore a chicken outfit, but truly she hated those things.

The chickens were coming closer. These were not regular chickens, they were Pirate Chickens from Ohio.

"Get off mah property!" Shouted Cassie.

The Chickens kept coming, making damn chicken sounds. Cassie could not understand the little fuckers.

Cassie had to do something, no damn chickens were going to attack her farm and eat her bacon and shit on her copy of cow farm magazine.

Cassie got her shot gun and fired some buck shot at the fuckers. Several of the chickens fell down, shot dead.

"Bang bang, mother fuckers" Said Cassie.

The chickens kept coming. Cassie would have to kick some ass BIG TIME!

Cassie went inside and got on her radio

"Cassie calling MOON BASE 22" She said.

"Moon base 22, CaptainWacky speaking. sdihoisfh" Replied CaptainWacky

"Pirate Chickens are attacking my farm!" Said Cassie

"I'll dispatch Tisiphone,chicken hunter, STAND BY" Said Captain Wacky

"How is the new Sherlock Holmes tv show" Asked Cassie


Moments later Tisiphone, chicken hunter appeared in a flash of light with a shot of tequila in her hand.

Cassie came back out with two shot guns and a fancy cowboy hat.

"Ready to kill THESE ASSHATs? Shouted Tisiphone.

"YES" Said Cassie.

Several hours later all the chickens and 2 cows (who were actually chickens in disguise) were dead.

Cassie hosted a large party that induced but not limited to fried chicken.

Well, that's more of a Western drawl, I think. BUT, that is ok cuz I would shout BANG BANG MOTHERFUCKERS.
Fine holiday fare! It sheds new light on the plight of swampland Floridians with Lo-Fi. :)

I was waiting for Tisi to say "HOW ABOUT I POP A CAPTION IN YER ASS FOGHORN?"
I will protect my cows from them dadgum chickens TIL I TAKE MY LAST BREATH.