
I want to smell dark matter
It's actually quite hard since we haven't seen much of some of them, but HERE WE GO...

1) Julian - He is funny.
2) Prince Lorenzo - Soon to become THE PRINCE OF ALL OUR HEARTS?
3) Julie - It's a hard one because sometimes I think she's being "fake" (like with Jasmine) but she's been one of the most amusing so far.)
4) Danica - I think she's nice (SHE'S PROBABLY TRICKED ME.)
5) Martin - We don't see much of him but he seems cool.
6) The Situation - He actually seems like a nice guy.
7) Cheryl - The comedy attempts are going to get cringey soon but she's not bad.
8) Rhian - She's alright.
10) Harvey - He's a bit of a knob, innit.
11) Samantha - Completely pointless. Just a normal person. Totally exposes how she only says outrageous things in newspapers for money and doesn't actually believe them.
12) Ashley - Childish reaction to Rhian not fancying him.
13) Jasmine - Worse than ten Satans.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts


Is this real life?
1) Julian - I'd like to see him come first on top of Martin.
2) Martin - I thought he'd either be kind of boring, but he just seems really nice, really up for it, and genuinely excited to be in there. It's refreshing after all that sniping in BB13.
3) Danica - Pretty sure I don't like her, but she's watchable.
4) Julie - Very hard to gauge, but entertaining.
5) Prince Lorenzo - He doesn't do an awful lot, but he seems like a really nice bloke and he speaks up when he needs to (except when Jasmine glomped him).
6) Harvey - More interesting and nice than I was expecting. I was planning on referring to him as Romeo as a running joke throughout the series, but he deserves more than that innit y'getme.
7) The Situation - Much nicer than I expected, but ultimately a bit blah.
8) Rhian - Eh. She's not that interesting, but at least she seems like a nice person.
9) Ashley - He stood up for Rhian against Jasmine so there's that.
10) Coleen - I almost forgot about her. She's ok.
11) Samantha - A lot blah.
12) Cheryl - I really don't find her forced humour amusing and it's her only personality trait at the moment. When it comes to her eviction interview I will have my remote in hand with a thumb hovering over the mute button for when they play the video of her amazing spur of the moment "Cherylisms" that she forces into every sentence.
13) Jasmine - They've done it again. They've put an utter loon into the house. It's very easy to hate her, but really, I think she's just a very damaged, confused person who needs help. She genuinely thinks she's in the right all the time, and has trouble keeping her anger in check.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee

1) Julian - Actually funny and intelligent and seems like a good person!
2) Prince Lorenzo - What a nice guy!
3) Danica - For an EVIL WHORE MANIPULATOR she's pretty nice!
4) Martin - He seems to have his head on.
5) Julie - Good with Julian. Bad with Jasmine.
6) Rhian - Pretty, but dumb.
7) The Situation - Pretty dumb.
8) Cheryl - Might be annoying in the future.
9) Harvey - Awww, cute! He thinks he's famous!
10) Coleen - No idea.
11) Samantha - Disgustingly normal.
12) Ashley - A generally horrible person who thinks that Rhian should get with him because he wants it so much.
13) Jasmine - She's wrong in the head, but she's gone now!


I want to smell dark matter
1) Julian - If he doesn't win I am leaving this country.
2) Rhian - I'm taking the UNUSUAL step of ranking her second because I don't think she's done anything wrong and seems like she just wants to have fun but has been beaten down by Ashley and Harvey's bullying and there was a clip on BOTS where Harvey was quizing her in the Diary Room using a fake voice in a really horrible way and she handled it well so there!?
3) Danica - I like her for the most part and she certainly doesn't deserve the level of hate she's no doubt receiving, but sometimes she doesn't quite ring true (like with Prince L.)
4) Prince Lorenzo - I like his shocked reaction faces. But I don't really buy him and Danica together.
5) Julie - She's pretty horrible and manipulative in a lot of ways but she's still very entertaining.
6) Coleen - Not actually that bad, really!
7) Martin - I don't agree with a lot of what he's been saying lately but at least he can laugh at the whole thing.
8) Samantha - Boring, pointless, the only reason she can give that she should stay in in the house is "who else would cook and clean!"
9) The Situation - Yeah he's fourteen.
10) Harvey - Scum on toast.
11) Ashley - Soon to become great friends with Kirk Norcross.


I want to smell dark matter
I can't be bothered doing a ranking and I expect NONE OF YOU CARE but...

1) Julian
389589595956696) Harvey

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts


Is this real life?
1) Julian - to win!
2) Martin - So nice and positive.
3) Colleen - Not at all how I expected her to be based on Loose Women. Really mumsy!
4) Lorenzo - I'd expect him to have been clever enough not to get dragged (well, drag himself) into that whole love triangle thing, but really he's a nice enough chap.
5) The Situation - He's thick and loses points for the love triangle, but otherwise he's not quite the self centred bellend I was expecting.
6) Harvey - Not much to say. Could've been worse?
7) Ashley - He's an Olympian, did you know he's an Olympian?
8) The Morlock - Grr.