Cell Phone Tazer


I think this can fit here.
Anyone know how effective they are? Used them, had them used on them etc?



:D Yeah, pretty nice lil device.


Let's fuck some shit up
You'd better hope that your battery life is amazing. 'Cause after you taze someone, you're still gonna need to call the cops.


J-Berg Model, 3 hour charge = 40 shocks; still havnt found a guinea pig tho.
Its not aktually a cell fone, just disguised as such. Anyways I am suprised you criminals can't offer any info'z.
Vry dissapointing indeed.

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
J-Berg Model, 3 hour charge = 40 shocks; still havnt found a guinea pig tho.
Its not aktually a cell fone, just disguised as such. Anyways I am suprised you criminals can't offer any info'z.
Vry dissapointing indeed.
I honest to god hope it makes the news when you answer the phone one day and wind up tazing yourself in the head.


stfu; liek that is going to happen