Cell Phone


Forever Empress E
I hate my cell phone. It is a Samsung Gravity. Recently it lost over 100 of my phone numbers. It has been a problem phone since I let my cell phone provider talk me into taking it as an incentive to stay with them.

It is too complicated to use. Yes - it has all the cool stuff on it but I can't use any of it. I can't have any apps on it because they drain the battery straight away. My kiddo had to put all kinds of passwords on it to lock it down so it doesn't just do stuff all by itself. Just to answer the phone is a pain in the rear. Half the time I have to turn the thing off, take off the back, pull out the battery and the SIM card then put it back together and turn it back on. But now that it has lost over 100 of my phone numbers it has gone beyond the point of being able to tolerate it until my contract is up with my provider in December.

Can you recommend a phone that doesn't require a 4" thick technical manual to figure out how to use but it has internet capability? Something that does what I want, not what it wants?

Which is better - a Windows phone or an iphone?


Vuhlkansu Wihs
^1950's rotary dial. Never had a problem with it.

Well, unless you drop it on your foot.


Forever Empress E
I like that idea but the super extra long cord would get tangled up on stuff all over the place. Living beings would be strangled. It is not congruent with my new Buddhist life style.


My Stars!
I dunno. . .I have an iPhone and I lost all of my calendar entries. That pissed me off as one day they were there, the next day they were wiped clean. I keep getting phone calls from places like Iowa. I don't know anybody in Iowa! Stop calling me. How can I block these damn calls? I just ignore them and then delete them. I still have landlines at home. I feel so out of date. Everyone else uses their cell phones. You see these people with phones pressed to their faces and in deep important conversations. I only use mine for occasional phone calls or my now empty calendar. I can't recommend this phone. It's TSTL.

Lots of people seem to like the Android.


beer, I want beer


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
at&t burst (droid)


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
Windows lumina 920

I've had mines for over a year now and I love it to death :techman:

I got it on a special deal too. When this phone was first released, Lumina had a lot of problems with it. They sent out a recall, then offered the same phone with a software patch already installed (for a very limited time) for free!!

I ended up paying $100 for the phone itself, but at the same time I was given $100 worth of acessories to go along with it. So it's like I got it for nothing!

I can do everything from checking my e-mails, to watching youtube, to checking the weather and my bank account, to coming here on Troll Kingdom. It's almost like having a mini-computer right in the palm of my hands!


Forever Empress E
Windows lumina 920

I've had mines for over a year now and I love it to death :techman:

I got it on a special deal too. When this phone was first released, Lumina had a lot of problems with it. They sent out a recall, then offered the same phone with a software patch already installed (for a very limited time) for free!!

I ended up paying $100 for the phone itself, but at the same time I was given $100 worth of acessories to go along with it. So it's like I got it for nothing!

I can do everything from checking my e-mails, to watching youtube, to checking the weather and my bank account, to coming here on Troll Kingdom. It's almost like having a mini-computer right in the palm of my hands!

I would like one I could use as a hotspot too. I like my Clear biscuit but if I could get one on my phone that works as well would be great.