Charles dodges the Loktar Challenge...


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Loktar and I claim there is no Hummer he currently owns, save 4 to 6 year old pics of when he was leasing one before it got repossessed.

Whatever devilMan has said must be true, since he's dodged the challenge.

let's see a current picture of you in your Hummer, Shrimpy. betcha you can't.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I want to see you step on them, later. His duals show up about 3:30, and then when he gets to the fishmarket (around 5:30 to mop and rim the toilets with his tongue) he sneaks computer time there til about 8.

He has to clean and mop though, so he tends to peter out around 8ish.
Loktar and I claim there is no Hummer he currently owns, save 4 to 6 year old pics of when he was leasing one before it got repossessed.

Whatever devilMan has said must be true, since he's dodged the challenge.

let's see a current picture of you in your Hummer, Shrimpy. betcha you can't.

WOW. How is this a challenge? You know Tk has a strick policy about posting RL info.

This isn't good

The Next Big Thing


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Bullshit. Charles posting a pic of himself inhis Hummer currently would not be a violation of those rules should he post it himself

I'm going with the idea that this is simply a dodge, and it's interesting that you have to speak for him.

I guess he's not able to speak for himself in this case?


you could always photosho----MS paint your face out of the picture.


beer, I want beer
mmmh, I'll make sure I have some of the frustation boiling up in me reserved for him :D

I am extremely aroused and more than a little frightened by the "grim and gritty Frank Miller style" Ilyanna. Not sure whether to touch myself or hide under the desk...

I may do both.
Loktar and I claim there is no Hummer he currently owns, save 4 to 6 year old pics of when he was leasing one before it got repossessed.

Whatever devilMan has said must be true, since he's dodged the challenge.

let's see a current picture of you in your Hummer, Shrimpy. betcha you can't.


Jack its over. Already Joe and I have decided to become contributing
members of Trollkingdom. The white flag is up, grasp it. You should really think about using the ignore function provided by the board.

Please PRAY and consider the offering.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Prove it, asshat. I'll back off if I think you're remotely sincere?

Want to join the board for real? Simply stop the NAP rhetoric and try contributing to some of the exchanges that are taking place.

That requires getting to know us better than what your fearless leader's been spoonfeeding you over in Fake B-Board land.


Pinata Whacker

Jack its over. Already Joe and I have decided to become contributing
members of Trollkingdom. The white flag is up, grasp it. You should really think about using the ignore function provided by the board.

Please PRAY and consider the offering.

Its NOT over.

Please PRAY and consider the offering. GOD knows there is nothing for me to prove. The LORD has my back and the TRUTH is in me.

Ye of little faith who refuses to give the LORD a try is a failure. Trust me, Its over.

That's why I PRAY.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I'm with you d00der....go for it.