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Charlie Brooker's How Video Games Changed The World


I want to smell dark matter
On Saturday on Channel 4...I hope it's not all about boring X-Box/Playstation "walk around stabbing people in the neck" type games.
Well he said it would cover "everything from Pong to The Last of Us" so it will be, partially. And it would be stupid not to.
That's why I said "not all" yes.

There should be at least 30 minutes on Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers for NES.
A clip he posted the other day showed Minecraft and the Guardian's games writer saying it changed his autistic son's life, so there's at least one.
Will he tell us the REAL reason we're supposed to toss the baby penguin over the cliff instead of handing it to Momma Bitch Penguin?

It's not on til tomorrow night. But he did go on C4 News to teach Jon Snow about games. It was hilarious.
I finally watched it all. It was an entertaining show. Charlie was funny and most of the talking heads were good (Dara "errrrrr" O'Briain was a bit grating and Jonathan Ross just had to drop in "my wife WHO WRITES BLOCKBUSTER MOVIES".) I think they tried to cover too much in two hours though as a lot of the stuff could have been covered in more detail (except the violence angle which got loads of discussion) and it didn't quite work as an overview of the entire history of games either as they skipped a lot of stuff (poor SEGA.) I know you're just going to think I'm being Nintendo biased but they REALLY could have talked about Shigeru Miyamoto for more than thirty seconds. The guy talking about using Tekken moves in a real fight lasted longer! And they seemed to get away from the "how games CHANGED THE WORLD" angle pretty fast (but "Some People Talking About Some Games" wouldn't have been a very good title.) And the Twitter bit at the end didn't convince me. But it was good.
Yeah, when he said that about Twitter on the new the other day I thought it was a good joke, but I don't really agree its a game. I mean, by that token you could say real life was. It all gets a bit philosophical.

Anyway, it was a good show overall. It was bound to miss out a few of everyone's faves, but the selection was broad enough that it also included many.

I'm quite skeptical that it managed to reach its target audience, as I just don't think people would watch a two hour countdown show on a topic they've previously had little to no knowledge of. Especially on a Saturday night. And at the same time anyone who is really into games already knew most of the info.

It would be great to see Charlie do a regular review show. I know the internet's bursting at the seams with the things, but I like hearing his take on things.
No, but he did use "the Citizen Kane of..." in a sarcastic manner, so you can feature him. Or do sarcastic ones not count? I think he was saying CoD was the Citizen Kane of shooting your friends in the head.