Charlotte lost and other theories


Boobie inspector
I know Wacky has this theory she is Ben's daughter, but what if she is Widmores?

I mean Penny gets all the attention, but who says he only has one daughter?

Suppose Widmore had a pregnent wife with him on the island, like Candle having concieved before arriving on the island so they can deliver the babies.

Ben convinces Widmore to use the frozen donkey wheel, and Widmore is cast away from the island never to return, having left his wife there and baby girl.

Knowing he cant get back, he starts a new family.

Now I know what you are going to say, Charlotte looks a lot younger than Penny, but remember how time on the island was going slower than on the boat?

Plus the whole angle of leaving the island being so important, Charlotte could have left the island on slightly the wrong tangent and ended up ten years in advance of where she should have been, it could be that very time difference that is causing the nose bleeds and the other thing now, and the same for Miles.

Also intersting to note the only two characters we have seen without nosebleeds are the ones who spent a lot of time down in the hatch, the same hatch they convieniently reminded us of in the last episode.

Maybe exposure to the magnetic properties of the hatch is sheilding them from the time jet lag?


Boobie inspector
I forgot Danny hasnt had a nose bleed either, but he did go talk to Desmond in the hatch, and his time experiments in oxford might have given him some of the same measure of protection too.


I want to smell dark matter
Maybe he disowned her because she's ginger?

My theory: Charlotte, Charlie, Charles and Baby Charlie = all the same person.