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Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
OMAGAH!! I've crossed to the Dark Side...and I LOVE it!! Will and Boogie are so fucking far ahead of everyone else, I'm starting to really like these guys. They're ruthless, they'll lie to anyone, and (this is very important0 they can keep all thier lies straight!

And they're pretty funny, to boot.

Yeah, I've come around. If Janell can't win, then Will or Boogie should win, sho' 'nuff!
Big Dick McGee said:
OMAGAH!! I've crossed to the Dark Side...and I LOVE it!! Will and Boogie are so fucking far ahead of everyone else, I'm starting to really like these guys. They're ruthless, they'll lie to anyone, and (this is very important0 they can keep all thier lies straight!

And they're pretty funny, to boot.

Yeah, I've come around. If Janell can't win, then Will or Boogie should win, sho' 'nuff!

Ah, welcome to the dark side.
To BDM: Go to bed you Cheesepie.

I would of course like to see my Janie win but since I already know she won't I'm all for CT. I can't get behind anyone else because you have to love and truly admire that Will has managed to play the EXACT SAME GAME as he did to win in season 2 and no one has called him on it. They're all idiots so rock on Dr. Will and Boogeyman, rock on.

Oh and Janie totally caught James' game which just makes me love her all the more but I want to yell at the television when I see stupid Kaysar talking Janie out of her accurate asessment. SEND KAYSAR HOME! I hate James but Kaysar is just dumb.
Laker_Girl said:
Oh and Janie totally caught James' game which just makes me love her all the more but I want to yell at the television when I see stupid Kaysar talking Janie out of her accurate asessment. SEND KAYSAR HOME! I hate James but Kaysar is just dumb.
I know! I couldn't believe how thick Kaysar was about James. Janie had it figured out, and Kaysar talked her out of trusting her own instincts. If she weren't so needy for men's attention (and so worried about pissing people off in general), she'd be able to assert herself more when it comes to strategy, and then she would TRULY be a match for Will in the house.

But no one else is playing at Will's level. James and Danielle come closest, but Dani can't keep her mouth shut, and James doesn't invite people to like him in spite of his play, as Will does. Also James can't keep his emotions in check, which is the reason Will is so brilliant at the game. It's really just a game to him, and he has no problem doing whatever's necessary to keep an advantage over everyone else.
^^EXACTLY. Well-said. The funny thing is, Will has the most to lose in real life if he comes off as an evil bastard. He's a doctor for Christ's sake, he needs to cultivate an image of caring. But he realized it's just game, who cares if these people like him after the game is over?

Have you seen the screencaps from overnight to today? Red glowy faces of past BB houseguests are starting to appear in mirrors and windows. This means that past HGs will be part of the coming week's competitions...

Which also means HoH will be a quiz game again, poor George.