CIA prisons - Why was the news released?


Can I have Ops?
I'm intrigued. The Washington Post led with the story, but it was obviously leaked. A source was quoted:

A former intelligence official said one reason this story was likely leaked to the press is because some CIA officers don't believe the program is sustainable and could harm the United States' reputation.

Sorry, don't buy it. This was released by the big man himself in the run up to 9/11. Is this purely another "we're winning the war on terror" thing - or is there a reason it came out?

I'm genuinely interested.

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From Club Gitmo to the CIA prisons, these places sound more like a 'vacation from Jihad' than hellholes.

For a lot of these loser terrorists, this is the best they've ever lived. Whoever leaked the story probably doesn't even get as good a health care plan as the terrorist prisoners do.

Good to see you valuing "freedom" so highly Ogami.

You seem to think that these people are having it easy - but I thought freedom was what the fight was about?

I dont care if these people are dead or alive BTW (before I get called some kind of terrorist felcher)
Free Korans, free prayer rugs, "kosher" islamic meals, all provided by the US taxpayer. Jihad was never so good!