

Sinless and Purrfect
Bongo Bongo Bongo
I don't wanna leave the Congo
oh no no no no noooo


He told me he was strong


He lied...


I think he wanted me vulnerable, so he could feel powerful...


He likes to set traps....wanting me to prove where I was for 12minutes....

he could have just asked conchaga about any sekret e-romance, if he didn't believe me....
Who else?....Jaxy, gear....dual, marquis...loktar...?
i guess any male I engage with im fucking, or have fucked, or wish to fuck.



RIP 1970~2018
For the record, I am the least likely to be involved in some sort of whatever is being suggested here.

Even though dem bitches dey love me cheddah.



I got ya one of these from amazon sephy, hope it arrives in time....


I hope niki-the-slag tastes liek cyanide and that u get AIDS from bashing random pikeys.



clash of the trolls....only one ran away and hid


Projective Identification (or PI) is a term first introduced by Melanie Klein of the object relations school of psychoanalytic thought in 1946. It is a concept 'more and more referred to in psychodynamic work', especially in circumstances 'where A experiences feelings that belong to B but that B is unable to access; and instead "projects" them into (not just onto) A'.

Projective identification thus designates a psychological process in which a person engages in the ego defense mechanism projection in such a way that their behavior towards the object of projection invokes in that person precisely the thoughts, feelings or behaviors projected.

Projective identification differs from simple projection in that projective identification is a self-fulfilling prophecy, whereby a person, believing something false about another, relates to that other person in such a way that the other person alters their behavior to make the belief true. The second person is influenced by the projection and begins to behave as though he or she is in fact actually characterized by the projected thoughts or beliefs. This is a process that generally happens outside the awareness of both parties involved, though this has been debated.


No, those are the feet seph is stuck under..... I guess they b cuter from above ;)

Apparently she was a lying cheating cunt, just liek me...


I love you
Ok one leg looks a little smaller than the other....I didn't want to say that earlier, but it could just be the angle too. Soooooo seph is upset about another girl and is taking it out on you?


Pinata Whacker
Ok one leg looks a little smaller than the other....I didn't want to say that earlier, but it could just be the angle too. Soooooo seph is upset about another girl and is taking it out on you?

Wait...what? Is Seph the guy I threatened to punch in the nu-nose? If so, I retract it, Seph can be a scary guy. He'd hurt me lots.


yeah seems that way 2 me also, but thats y we are individuals.
right seph?

I just put up with alot of accusations and the moment i tell him to back off, he wants to kill himself.


Aktually, im being a right bitch....sorry seph, all the best.
