Cloud Atlas


I want to smell dark matter

Looks like it could be either really good...OR A BIG MESS OF SHITE!?

Fun fact: this movie is happening because Natalie Portman gave the Wachowskis a copy of the novel while filming V For Vendetta.
It looks pretty cool! I like that sort of thing, usually. Tom Hanks! Also, Halle Berry must be a vampire, bitch doesn't age.
I reckon I'll love it even if it gets bad reviews. It could easily turn out to be a really uncoordinated, confusing mishmash that never settles in one place for long enough for you to get into it, but it will certainly look amazing. And the core idea great.

It should finish with someone getting off a train at Caprica City Subway station.
I think the movie was a total flop but seems to be a CULT FAVOURITE already and I remember FILM CRIT HULK saying it was really good. I'm sure I'll watch it sometime!
I saw MOST of the movie last night. I missed the first 30 minutes or so. I didn't even know it was on HBO already... I was a bit lost, but I couldn't stop watching it. I thought it was really good, even if I didn't know what was going on. I will have to watch it again from the beginning and now I definitely need to read the book, too.
From what I hear they changed some of the mechanics of how it all works for the movie, which made it make less sense, but I still really want to see it.
I FINALLY WATCHED THIS TODAY. I liked it. I liked it quite a lot. Maybe if I hadn't read the book I would have been a bit more confused by some of the stories. There were certainly times I wished they' stick with one story for a bit longer. But it last nearly three hours and I didn't feel bored once. The acting was great from everyone (yes even Halle Berry) and I thought the make-up was great too, despite what people seem to be saying online. Yes the white actors playing asians (and asians playing whites) was a bit distracting at first. But there was some refrence to "facescaping" (or something) in the future scenes suggesting that people were choosing to change their faces. And the acting was good enough that I didn't care anyway. The special effects and cinematography were very good too and the music was excellent. Which is lucky since it's important to the plot. I can see why it flopped but I think it's quite an achievement that it was as good as it was.