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Cock-Loving Whore


Fun phrase.

The anecdote I will relate next weekend:

It was back in 2001, when I was playing the field. At the time you will recall I was juggling guys, but this was when there were only three. So, I was on a bed about this size with two of them; one on either side of me. I was kissing them in turn, and there was some groping/fondling going on, but that's it. Clothes remained on, no sex. I don't think it even occurred to me to try to fuck both of them at the same time, but it was so long ago now I don't remember. That day the three of us hung out all day (the two guys were best friends) and it was so fun, walking around in public with both of their hands on my hips, ass, etc. I wonder if I'd tried to fuck them at the same time if they'd have been willing. One of them probably the other I'm not sure.
Yeah, I know I'm lame. I've got no good stories. I am an delicate flower; a fragile petal untainted by sin. Pure in deed and thought.