Conor or Luke S to leave tomorrow... with 50K?

Neither of them deserve any money. Or to get to the fnal. Or to even be on Big Brother.

Out of the two, I'd rather Luke S had it. As at least he'd only probably spent it on booze and protien, unlike Conor who would probably spend it on bail.
Also it would be funny when Ashleigh gets out and finds that Luke's moved somewhere without telling her and she never sees him again.
So a total scumbag housemate, not liked on the outside, proves himself a scumbag and gets rewarded for it with 50K.

The lesson of this years BB: "Threaten sexual assault on a woman - win £50K."
I can't be bothered to analyze it -- there are so many people out there like him who live in such a bubble, and have no powers of self-reflection whatsoever, and simply react to everything in their day-to-day lives like a threatened animal...I just can't.
It sure was nice of Channel 5 to take all that money from peoples votes... and then ignore them by awarding half the prize completely outside the audience's control.
They do these fucking prize money twists every year and they just get worse and worse. Next year they'll probably give the first person evicted all the money then when the winner comes out laugh and say "YOU WIN NOTHING" and then Conor runs out and punches a woman.