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Dare I Say What I Know?

Can you handle information which is dangerous and powerful?

Are you responsible enough to use your knowledge to fight smartly? To fight battles worth fighting? To demonstrate the insanity that runs rampant in others?

Do you possess the wisdom to "learn" and to "know" and to not use such knowledge willy-nilly?

In other words, I guess what I'm trying to say is: "Are you emotionally mature to handle sensitive information and knowledge"?

(I would dare say 98% of this board is neither ready nor emotionally mature to handle information which is sensitive. I further submit to you that 94% of this board doesn't even know what they don't know and how much of it there is out there which totally falls outside of their sphere of reach.)

That is all!

Carry on!

Dear GB,
Several of us on this board work with highly sensitive, confidential and classified information every day. Thank you for trying to entice us with more, but, frankly, secret shit is boring when you have it for daily fare. It might surprise you that a) you don't know anything that the rest of us don't already know and/or b) what you think you know isn't worth knowing.

I hate it when somebody pulls that crap. Where is the freaking karma thing?
eloisel said:
Dear GB,
Several of us on this board work with highly sensitive, confidential and classified information every day. Thank you for trying to entice us with more, but, frankly, secret shit is boring when you have it for daily fare. It might surprise you that a) you don't know anything that the rest of us don't already know and/or b) what you think you know isn't worth knowing.
That may very well be true. But it does not negate my original post as the "several of us on this board" of whom you speak may very well be part of that 6% I mentioned.

eloisel said:
I hate it when somebody pulls that crap. Where is the freaking karma thing?
It will be interesting to see how users of this board survive without the "all-important karma" button. Perhaps, its demise will force us to be more creative in responding to posts with which we either agree or disagree.

eloisel said:
I thought you were Gagh's friend. Don't know about you, but I like it when my friends show up where I am.
You like when your "friends show up where you are" and say things like this to you: "Shut the fuck up, cunt"?
Grammour Boy said:
That may very well be true. But it does not negate my original post as the "several of us on this board" of whom you speak may very well be part of that 6% I mentioned.

Still, you are using one of the oldest techniques in the book - that you know something other people aren't privy to knowing - to imply you are important, special, above the rest .... People who deal with sensitive information don't go around bragging about it simply because they can't talk about it because of their clearance. In other words, you don't know shit and you're making yourself look more like a dweeb by trying to sucker people into thinking you do. So, what you're going to come up with is "truth" about stupid stuff - Area 51, gov't conspiracies on the assasination of JFK, Bigfoot/Sasquatch, the Illuminati, etc. which are entertaining distractions but just aren't classified, secret, sensitive or important.
Grammour Boy said:
It will be interesting to see how users of this board survive without the "all-important karma" button. Perhaps, its demise will force us to be more creative in responding to posts with which we either agree or disagree.

Oh, yes. Having post after post of "ditto" will be so much better. When I find myself agreeing with comments someone else made on a topic, my posrep of that post is to indicate my opinion is the same, similar, or that post is better than what I had already expressed or was about to.
I like Gagh. He is my friend.

But that's no excuse for the stalking. It's embarrassing.