Dave Cameron, just an ordinary chap really


Can I have Ops?
You know, I listened to his interview after the G20. Somehow in amongst all of the international negotiations, the conflicts with Argentina and the incredibly detailed fiscal issues he remembered many things.

He remembered the Frank Lampard over the line goal against Germany that was never allowed, he also described the team like we all do in the pub - "Plucky"

Mr Cameron said: "My message (to the team) is congratulations. I think they have shown incredible pluck and courage in the way they have fought this campaign so far and it is great they are going through from the group round undefeated.

"From what I saw it was a very good team effort and I wish them well for the next round and the game against Italy."

Mr Cameron famously voiced support for goalline technology after Frank Lampard's goal-that-never-was against Germany.

Following Ukraine's appeals, he said: "I will have to reflect a bit further, but don't expect an immediate U-turn."

He then made that hilarious political joke at the end. He's just suck a great bloke, and sort of just like us all isn't he? Just Dave, good 'ol heavily briefed Dave.
The government released the story about Jimmy Carr being a tax cheat to distract attention from the story about Cameron shaving his daughter's head bald because she "looks like a slut."
Dave's orchestrated the erratic scheduling of Big Brother 2012 to "keep the proles distracted from whatever the fuck Gideon's up to with the economy this week".
Mmm, the only point where they played with any real confidence or form was in the last ten minutes when Ukraine had pretty much resigned all hope.
I've made all my friends here watch IT Crowd. "Did you see that ludicrous display" is now a running joke on this particular Greek island.