Daystrom - step it up


Forever Empress E
I'm trying to "stalk" you but you are just too dull to follow around. Step it up. Get interesting. Give me something to seek you out for. Pictures. Stories. Anecdotes. Cuteness. Coyness. Sexiness. I'd say intelligence but your comment about Ethiopia being Egypt dashed my hopes about that possibility.

Am I being mean? You like it though, right?


You're not being mean, the voice of reason (me) has this effect on some.

Like you for example :).

Now be nice and the evening is yours to share.


Forever Empress E
You're not being mean, the voice of reason (me) has this effect on some.

Like you for example :).

Now be nice and the evening is yours to share.

Interesting. You believe yourself to be the voice of reason? Why is that? Provide examples of you being the voice of reason. You can make a video and put it on YouTube with your video of your 7" mostly white, partly black, with a sprinkling of Sri Lankan sushi-eating penis being extra entertaining and sexy.


beer, I want beer
I myself have sushi-eating penis.

It's starving to fucking death right now.


Forever Empress E
You and Daystrom sharing an evening together, eating sushi, discussing being the voice of reason would make an excellent YouTube video.


beer, I want beer
Gonna pass, thanks.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Interesting. You believe yourself to be the voice of reason? Why is that? Provide examples of you being the voice of reason. You can make a video and put it on YouTube with your video of your 7" mostly white, partly black, with a sprinkling of Sri Lankan sushi-eating penis being extra entertaining and sexy.

LOL that cunt nazi bitch TCON was "the voice of reason" and "fundamentalism"...part of the oldguardtkfail


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Did you write your bitchy little suicide note yet Day?

Just do it, no need to exemplify how PWNT you are


Forever Empress E
LOL that cunt nazi bitch TCON was "the voice of reason" and "fundamentalism"...part of the oldguardtkfail

yeah, but TCON is sincere, proud, and not intending to be annoying with her grow her own grass to feed her cows to milk to make her own butter and grow her own sheep to spin their wool on her little spinning wheel to make into thread to put on her loom to make herself something to wear and grow her own silk worms so she could spin her own silk thread and tat her own lace doilies and cuffs and things for the clothes that she made out of the ....... I actually like her and admire her because she does read, write, and speak more than one language, she's interested in and excels at all the finer home ec arts that would otherwise disappear if it weren't for people like her, etc. She's just toooooo good. I'd love to go to Germany for about a week and visit her and she be my tour guide. I'd probably see and get to sample all of the best of Germany and have the best memories of the place. She's all right for the most part.

I Love Cunt

Watch It
I think you are right on that analogy E. Very well put. That is what makes me so sad to see she was ever involved with Day. Although I believe most of his posts to be an act. It is an act right? No? He is really like this? Really? Yeah I believe he is a creep through and through.


Forever Empress E
Maybe TCON brings out something good in him that the rest of us aren't privy to. But, yeah, he is a bona fide creepy guy.

He is also a mostly caucasian, partly black, with a sprinkling of Sri Lankan person from Lower Egypt with a 7" sushi eating penis who believes he has the voice of reason and he owes me two YouTube videos.


Pinata Whacker
Maybe TCON brings out something good in him that the rest of us aren't privy to. But, yeah, he is a bona fide creepy guy.

He is also a mostly caucasian, partly black, with a sprinkling of Sri Lankan person from Lower Egypt with a 7" sushi eating penis who believes he has the voice of reason and he owes me two YouTube videos.

And apparently he has cooking skills. I remember TCON telling me that her and Day would trade recipes and cooking tips.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
yeah, but TCON is sincere, proud, and not intending to be annoying with her grow her own grass to feed her cows to milk to make her own butter and grow her own sheep to spin their wool on her little spinning wheel to make into thread to put on her loom to make herself something to wear and grow her own silk worms so she could spin her own silk thread and tat her own lace doilies and cuffs and things for the clothes that she made out of the ....... I actually like her and admire her because she does read, write, and speak more than one language, she's interested in and excels at all the finer home ec arts that would otherwise disappear if it weren't for people like her, etc. She's just toooooo good. I'd love to go to Germany for about a week and visit her and she be my tour guide. I'd probably see and get to sample all of the best of Germany and have the best memories of the place. She's all right for the most part.

You left out the crazy, the legal threats and the stalking. Just sayin'.


Forever Empress E
You left out the crazy, the legal threats and the stalking. Just sayin'.

I don't know about those parts. That wasn't my experience with her.

If it is any consolation, I would never applaud her or support her - or anyone else for that matter - for making legal threats or stalking you or anyone else. Crazy is a subjective term. One person's nutso is another person's "Winning Side."


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
^ mmhmm