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DC Comics to re-number ALL comics #1 in August

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
'Batman' publisher DC Comics to renumber all comics, offer day-and-date digital distribution | Shelf Life |

This is fucking retarded. Now we'll never get to see Action Comics #1,000. Why not just re-number them every 10 years if you don't give a shit about people who've been reading your books for 30, 40, even 50 years? If all DC cares about is "new blood", then, fuck it, start renumbering any time an issue hits #100.

Stupid, this will fail miserably, and they'll waste 3 years and just go back to the old numbers like they did with Amazing Spider-Man.
I think they're "ultimitizing" them, making everyone younger and hipper after this summer's big event...hope they don't give Superman a mullet again.
I was a DC kid, but they have ruined themselves a half-dozen times over with all their reset-button pushing over the years.

Fuck them. I've got boxes and boxes of books from the 70s-90s to read. I'M FINE.
Comics as a medium have become so "event driven" it's mind numbing if you're only a casual reader. They all seem to be variations on the old "what if fill-in-the-blank never happened?" and the whlole world will change...FOREVAH! which was kinda cool when it was a what-if story or a couple issue arc, but now it's every summer all summer. I fell out of buying years ago, but I semi-follow the stories outta habit and nostalgia. Truthfully I could care less what they do to reboot, de-age or otherwise revitalize their character line; it's clear they need to do something, based on the way the DC lineup is floundering. If you look at movie production alone and compare the big two, you can see who has a handle on the market: Marvel is pumping out nonstop hits with their properties and have three this year alone that are getting huge buzz. Meanwhile, DC can't even make their flagship guy carry a film without fucking it up, and their head (lol) female character just tanked a tv attempt through clusterfuck-itis. There doesn't seem to be anybody driving the DC franchise, or maybe there are too many drivers, but if they don't figure it out quick there's going to be interesting changes down the line for them.
'Batman' publisher DC Comics to renumber all comics, offer day-and-date digital distribution | Shelf Life |

This is fucking retarded. Now we'll never get to see Action Comics #1,000. Why not just re-number them every 10 years if you don't give a shit about people who've been reading your books for 30, 40, even 50 years? If all DC cares about is "new blood", then, fuck it, start renumbering any time an issue hits #100.

Stupid, this will fail miserably, and they'll waste 3 years and just go back to the old numbers like they did with Amazing Spider-Man.

Yeah, after all the hoopla of renumbering to #1 is over they will return to renumbering to old school like nothing ever happened (give it a good 10+ years). For those of us who experienced the DC rebirth after the CRISIS, it all starts out simple, but before long it all gets bogged down again & they can't help bringing back Supergirl, Superdog, Batmite, etc. They always run out of storylines & bring back the tired old shit they were trying to escape from. I guess it is ok though, every new generation should get a fresh start? I dunno. :) I am kinda looking forward to Jim Lee on JLA.
Some people have no sense of humor about their cheesy-ass sidekick characters. Sometimes I bring in the showtune element, and call it Mr. Mushnik.

I was always in the Gotham City camp, I never cared as much for the Superverse.
I've always been World's Finest. Bats is awesome, but then so is Supes. All we need is decent writing that doesn't drive them into a cataclysmic universe shattering bullshit fest every year and things will be peachy.
Bleeding cool website has a handy rapid update where they're keeping tabs on the buzz and gossip including creator tweets. Some of it sound sorta interesting, some of it sounds pretty awful.

Thanks for the link. The art on Wonder Woman is beyond hideous!! Why are they still putting out Justice League International? There are only a few reboots that look interesting to me...still looks like a clutterfest of titles.
