Dear Future "My Baby Mama"


So you waited until I was out of the room to bully someone who you perceived as an easy target. Nice.

Got news for you, chickie. That kid has more integrity, native intelligence and inner strength than you will *EVER* possess. I would say he'll also probably be your boss one day, but I doubt "Pimp" is on his list of future career choices.

Karma's a bitch, you coward.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
i love being a fly on the wall. Good to see you Friday, what's this about?


Hey jack. Hope your year is going well. :)

Just saying things here I would get fired for saying at work. Some little gangsta chick wanna-be decided to pinch one of my kids on the neck, hard enough to leave a red mark, while I was out of the room.

My kid never bothers anyone, and works harder than anyone else in the class. He is autistic, however, so I guess in the gangsta chick's eyes this made it alright to assault him.

I'm very protective of my kids. It was either post this here, or be fired for expressing my true feelings to the little hoodlum.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I thought you were liveblogging one of those Teen Mom shows on MTV (hi!)...


I thought you were liveblogging one of those Teen Mom shows on MTV (hi!)...
Nah. I avoid those shows like the plague.

Hi back! Only about 11 weeks until summer vacay, then I'll be around more often.

Hear that, jack? You have enough time to embroil yourself in a Summertime drama. Have it on the stove and cooking by the time I return. ;) :)


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
So you waited until I was out of the room to bully someone who you perceived as an easy target. Nice.

Got news for you, chickie. That kid has more integrity, native intelligence and inner strength than you will *EVER* possess. I would say he'll also probably be your boss one day, but I doubt "Pimp" is on his list of future career choices.

Karma's a bitch, you coward.

I think I really admire you.


moral imperfection
Hey jack. Hope your year is going well. :)

Just saying things here I would get fired for saying at work. Some little gangsta chick wanna-be decided to pinch one of my kids on the neck, hard enough to leave a red mark, while I was out of the room.

My kid never bothers anyone, and works harder than anyone else in the class. He is autistic, however, so I guess in the gangsta chick's eyes this made it alright to assault him.

I'm very protective of my kids. It was either post this here, or be fired for expressing my true feelings to the little hoodlum.
Wait - is that chick another pupil? Because if not, why would you be the one to get into trouble for calling someone to account who is mistreating a kid? (honest question)


Wait - is that chick another pupil? Because if not, why would you be the one to get into trouble for calling someone to account who is mistreating a kid? (honest question)
Ily--Yes, that chick is another pupil. A 13-ish year old bully. I'm sure you could understand how my telegraphing her future career as a hooker might be unfavorably frowned upon by the administration. ;)

Believe me, if this were an adult I was talking about, his/her ass would be in jail by now.

Speaking of admiration--I admire my student, and am learning valuable life lessons from him.

About a month ago his Grandma passed away. He sat with her for over two hours waiting for the funeral service to arrive to pick her up. He wanted to *make sure* they treated her with the respect and dignity she deserved.

He's 12 years old. How many of us had that much courage and sense of dignity at 12?