Debate: Is Leonard Nimoy actually a good actor?


Is this real life?
I've always taken it as a given that he's a really, really good actor, because he is excellent as Spock. But everything else I've seen him in he's been mediocre or kinda terrible. I mean, we've all seen him in that clip where he's a sailing ship captain with a dodgy accent, but he was also really bad in Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978).

It's not really spoiling anything to say that he is a pod person throughout that movie, but he's supposed to be convincingly human to all the other characters, who are taken in by him, so that's no excuse. He comes out with lines in the most bizarre way at times. A way that no real person has ever acted ever.

Maybe he's just not very good at playing everyday Joes?


I want to smell dark matter
Well he was an alcoholic for a long time so maybe he was drunk during all those bad actings roles? Or sober.


Is this real life?
How can you question the talents of a man who has given us such classic likes as "Thrusters on full."??

Or "mumble *clearing of throat* mumble", as I heard it the first time.


Boobie inspector
Maybe he is good at playing Spock because it doesn't require him to do anything emotional, and every-time he is called to play someone with emotions he doesn't make a good job of it.


I want to smell dark matter
It's probably quite hard not to show emotions!

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts



I want to smell dark matter
But that's just his everyday life!


Touching the monolith
Staff member
MAYBE he really is Mr Spock!

I've never seen him do any good acting besides Star Trek. I wouldn't say he's a good actor, he was just really good for that role. I still love him and STUFF.


Elder Statesman
He wasn't very good on Mission Impossible either...and that series didn't exactly require a broad range of acting.

Sir Sacrifyx

Sacrifyx Aloysius Bastard I
The man has said that his time as Spock has seriously influenced not only his life, but his career (that would be his acting) as well. What little I've seen of him outside Trek always has a bit of Spock in it, some roles more than others. And I'll admit, I only see Spock when I see him, regardless of what he's doing. That being said, I think those rare moments of Spock's when his emotions do come through are his best performances. Since it's pretty much one extreme or the other, he gets to do it over the top and I think he does both aspects of the Spockonality very well.


Touching the monolith
Staff member


Touching the monolith
Staff member


Is this real life?
The man has said that his time as Spock has seriously influenced not only his life, but his career (that would be his acting) as well. What little I've seen of him outside Trek always has a bit of Spock in it, some roles more than others. And I'll admit, I only see Spock when I see him, regardless of what he's doing. That being said, I think those rare moments of Spock's when his emotions do come through are his best performances. Since it's pretty much one extreme or the other, he gets to do it over the top and I think he does both aspects of the Spockonality very well.

That's a good point. The moments we see him show emotion in TOS were all somewhat over the top, but it was the kind of thing that was required, so it worked. Especially in Amok Time where he's scowling during the battle and then has that flashbulb smile when he realises "JIM!" is alive. That kind of thing just doesn't work in regular drama.


I want to smell dark matter
The one with the spores that gives him emotions and he turns into a hippy but Kirk turns him good by saying "YOUR FATHER WAS A COMPUTER." That was a good episode.


moral imperfection
Unrelated sidenote: A few days ago I changed the sound for text messages on my mobile phone to the Communicator signal from TOS.
A day later, we were watching Fringe, and the very second Nimoy is onscreen for the first time, I receive a text message, making it quite difficult for us to follow the plot for the next 20 minutes.

(TBH, I still think it was a secret message from future Spock that IT'S ALL REALLY GONNA HAPPEN!!)


I want to smell dark matter
It was to distract you from his acting!


I have never seen him play anything with range. It's all some variation on Spock. So, he's a great Spock. Does that make him a great actor? That's actually an interesting question. I'd have to say yes. It's not just about range. I would not measure acting on just one thing, just like I would not measure painting or singing on one thing alone.


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
He was also very good in the 60's show" The man from Uncle"

His voiceover in the animated movie "The Halloween Tree" was rather excellent as well!