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Decisions decisions


The Batcave is cool. I almost got misty at the "Evergreen" ENT-D bridge, it reminded me of my trip to Vegas and the recreation of the TNG bridge at the ST Experience. The other ENT-D bridge doesn't do it for me: NEVER put the bar in front of the screen! :D

But ultimately, for me it's all about the chairs. I have to be able to shift positions while I sit, either to sit cross-legged or throw my legs over the side (or fit another person with me/on top of me while we watch), so I'd have to go with the Sealed Bank Vault. :D
None of these theatres would work for me as fact, most of the home theatres I've seen just wouldn' suit me. Why? No couches. Seriously, how many of you actually watch television at home while sitting in a chair?

Not me, I'm always sprawled out on the couch. Throw a couple of couches in there, or even a large "craftmatic" style bed, and I'd be good to go!
I would say NCC1701D but it looks nothing like it im with eggs on the batcave... final answer batcave
None of these theatres would work for me as fact, most of the home theatres I've seen just wouldn' suit me. Why? No couches. Seriously, how many of you actually watch television at home while sitting in a chair?

Not me, I'm always sprawled out on the couch. Throw a couple of couches in there, or even a large "craftmatic" style bed, and I'd be good to go!

I'm with you on this one. If they made a home theater where the floor was decently padded and nice cushy pillows everywhere, I'd pick that one.