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Democrats have made their choice


New member

"Stay the course, I don't think so Mr. President. It's time to face the facts," House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California answered, as she called for a new direction in the conflict. "The war in Iraq has been a mistake. I say, a grotesque mistake."

Each election, I marvel at the deliberate and willful choice of the Democratic party to run against the War on Terror. 9/11 was supposed to bring our country together, yet the Democrats could not wait to distance themselves from protecting America and run against anything we ever do against terrorists.

That's their right, I guess. But the strategy has failed in the 2002 and 2004 elections. Yet their leaders have announced this is their winning strategy for 2006 as well. The definition of insanity is when you keep doing the same thing over and over with the same result. If this is how Democrats nationalize the elections, and it fails, can we presume they'll drop their opposition and move on?

I think I know how that will go, even when they lose for 2006. Watch for it.

Amen brother

When your political strategy is to decry any and all actions taken by the other side with no real plan of your own, you know you're sunk.

Trying and failing is infinitely better than not trying and pointing fingers. Failure is always a possibility, but it should never be an option.

Jihadists will never be able to defeat the US military or break its spirit. Instead they leave that job to the democrats in our own country.
Decrying the other side is how the repubs got into office in 2000, despite Clinton's accomplishments in office all we heard about was blowjobs and who got pardoned. That and a little horseplay with the votes got us 8 years of crooked leadership, nice.

The war in Iraq has shit to do with 9-11, and by now most sane people have figured that out despite FoxNews' best efforts. The fact that many righties equate honest critique of policy and open debate as covert terrorism is frankly disturbing and very sad for our future as a so-called "Indomitable spirited country". This country has conducted its "war on terror" in pretty much the same way Dick Cheney goes duck hunting: Don't know what the fuck we're shooting at, but it ain't our natural target. Not even close.
Ogami said:
Each election, I marvel at the deliberate and willful choice of the Democratic party to run against the War on Terror. 9/11 was supposed to bring our country together, yet the Democrats could not wait to distance themselves from protecting America and run against anything we ever do against terrorists.
Utter rubbish. They got on the War on Terror bandwagon just as fast as Republicans after some examples were made of Democrats who dared to criticise it.

9/11 did indeed bring the country together, as it was intended to, in a far more spectacular way than even the Reichstag Fire.
Donovan said:
Decrying the other side is how the repubs got into office in 2000, despite Clinton's accomplishments in office all we heard about was blowjobs and who got pardoned. That and a little horseplay with the votes got us 8 years of crooked leadership, nice.

The war in Iraq has shit to do with 9-11, and by now most sane people have figured that out despite FoxNews' best efforts. The fact that many righties equate honest critique of policy and open debate as covert terrorism is frankly disturbing and very sad for our future as a so-called "Indomitable spirited country". This country has conducted its "war on terror" in pretty much the same way Dick Cheney goes duck hunting: Don't know what the fuck we're shooting at, but it ain't our natural target. Not even close.

Complete horse shit.

The contract with America, lead by Newt, the balanced budget that Clinton gets credit for these days was done by a republican congress and good ole Bill fought it tooth and nail, oh and the president committing perjury...

These things had something to do with the Dems losing power.

As for the rest. If you believe what the nightly news is feeding you nightly on Iraq, you are a buffoon. There were WMD in Iraq, we sold them to Saddam that's how we knew. Saddam did fund terrorism and even had known terrorists over for visits on occasion. Were there other motivations behind the war in Iraq than just terrorism? I don't doubt it for a second, but to say that there is no connection between terrorists and Iraq is stupidity.
HeroicFool wrote:

Jihadists will never be able to defeat the US military or break its spirit. Instead they leave that job to the democrats in our own country.

The American arm of Al-Queda. Reagan betrayed the entire left when he (along with Pope John and Margaret Thatcher) destroyed the Evil Empire of the Soviet Union. And they still haven't forgiven him for that, we were all going to live under a Communist utopia if it weren't for him! Now the "Son of Bush" dares actually stand up to Islamic fascists, the one religion the left has no problem with. (That and worship of Chairman Mao.)

Donovan wrote:

Decrying the other side is how the repubs got into office in 2000, despite Clinton's accomplishments in office all we heard about was blowjobs and who got pardoned.

Donovan, the 2000 election was Gore's to lose. He was the incubent running on a strong economy and a balanced budget, the legacy of Clinton. Instead, he let a nobody beat him. Gore's lead should have been so overwhelming there wouldn't have been any question of a recount. Instead, he lost his own home state to Bush!

I know Dems won't let go of the 2000 election, it's why they lost the 2002, 2004, and soon-to-be 2006 elections, but really. The party needs to grow up beyond their hysterical "Bush lied" mantra if they're ever going to rule again.

The war in Iraq has shit to do with 9-11, and by now most sane people have figured that out despite FoxNews' best efforts.

Fortunately Saddam Hussein deserved removal on his own merits, 9-11 or no 9-11. That was what President Clinton and all the Democrats agreed upon with the "Iraq Liberation Act of 1998".

By the way, most "sane people" have a memory of Saddam Hussein that precedes the inaugration of Dubya.

The fact that many righties equate honest critique of policy and open debate as covert terrorism is frankly disturbing and very sad for our future as a so-called "Indomitable spirited country".

As Senator Zell Miller rightly said, it's not the Left's patriotism we question, it's their judgment. Nothing the Left has said or done these past 3 years has indicated they would have done a single thing better in Iraq or Afghanistan. It's just griping from the sidelines, the sidelines of history.

Reagan didn't consult the left when he destroyed the Soviet Union, and Bush didn't consult the left when we took out Zarqawi or Saddam's evil sons.

This country has conducted its "war on terror" in pretty much the same way Dick Cheney goes duck hunting: Don't know what the fuck we're shooting at, but it ain't our natural target.

And you were proved right, Donovan, by the incontestable fact that we've suffered a new 9/11 every month since then. Oh wait, we haven't, have we?

Pretty hard to prove Bush is a failure when even Al Queda admits we have them by the throat! (Or the balls, take your pick.)

Dor_Jan wrote:

Utter rubbish. They got on the War on Terror bandwagon just as fast as Republicans after some examples were made of Democrats who dared to criticise it.

The very day of 9/11, every Democrat leader was screaming about the "absent leadership" of Bush. Unity in the war on terror lasted about .000003 nanoseconds, then the Democrats started playing up to their nut anti-war base. (You know, those people who think Bush is a worse terrorist than OBL. And the Dems really think those tinfoil hat wearer nuts are their ticket back into power? Get real.)

9/11 did indeed bring the country together, as it was intended to, in a far more spectacular way than even the Reichstag Fire.

As of this day, not a single airport profiles people simply for looking like arabs. Democrat leaders have not been thrown into some Neocon gulag. Our freedoms are completely unchanged from before 2001. You can make wild claims, but you can't back them up with a single cited fact. If anything, the left has grown louder and more obnoxious, they're certainly not silenced. (Unless you count the purely capitalistic response to the Dixie Chicks.)

Ogami said:
Donovan, the 2000 election was Gore's to lose. He was the incubent running on a strong economy and a balanced budget, the legacy of Clinton. Instead, he let a nobody beat him. Gore's lead should have been so overwhelming there wouldn't have been any question of a recount. Instead, he lost his own home state to Bush!
Agreed. But the fact remains that the Republicans ran a successful campaign based entirely on the "We hate Clinton Nyah Nyah" ticket, and pandered to the hardcore moral right for their votes. The voting booth shenanigans aside, Repubs won on the very "agendas" they now whine about from Dems: accusations of lying, office improprieties, and a higher "moral stance". As for 2004; Historically speaking, a nation at war is hesitant to switch horses in midstream, even if mounting evidence begins to show that would be prudent. The fact that Gore was afraid to use Clinton as a support base was his own mistake, added to the fact that the Clintons would not benefit from a democratic white house if Hillary was entertaining her eventual run. Politics is a very tangled web, and generally very entertaining.
I know Dems won't let go of the 2000 election, it's why they lost the 2002, 2004, and soon-to-be 2006 elections, but really. The party needs to grow up beyond their hysterical "Bush lied" mantra if they're ever going to rule again.
The Repubs spent three years and millions of dollars attempting to prove the very same thing about Clinton. They based their entire platform on it, and in fact you STILL mention right in this very post. And after all that, all you could prove was that he lied about getting sex in the oral office. Meanwhile, this administration is rapidly becoming known as the most corrupt at all levels since Nixon, and daily revelations about new lies and war crimes by this regime will make this a very dark period in our country's history.
Fortunately Saddam Hussein deserved removal on his own merits, 9-11 or no 9-11. That was what President Clinton and all the Democrats agreed upon with the "Iraq Liberation Act of 1998".
By the way, most "sane people" have a memory of Saddam Hussein that precedes the inaugration of Dubya.
But that wasn't what was presented to the world as cause for war. There are hundreds of despotic regimes in existence, many of whom are actively killing their citizens right now. They all deserve removal. Technically, the ongoing war of attrition Israel wages against Palestine puts them squarely in the "needs removal" camp as well, not to mention the Saudi Regime which is nearly as totalitarian as pre-war Iraq. You cannot successfully argue that the ends justify the means unless a) you are consistent in your ideals and b) you are supported by the majority of the world in your actions. Neither of these things is true for the US invasion of Iraq, as opposed to the attack of Afghanistan which garnered wide support abroad.
As Senator Zell Miller rightly said, it's not the Left's patriotism we question, it's their judgment. Nothing the Left has said or done these past 3 years has indicated they would have done a single thing better in Iraq or Afghanistan. It's just griping from the sidelines, the sidelines of history.
Very likely, a democratic presidency would have led to NOT going to war in Iraq, and a focus on the actual perpetrators of the 9-11 attacks, assuming they would have been successful at all. Evidence clearly indicates Bush ignored repeated warnings about Al Quaida threats right up to the point of the attack. Perhaps a democrat would have been smart enough to not only pay heed to such warnings, but act on them and prevent disaster. We can conjecture maybes and might have beens all day long; Zell Miller is an idiot and a buffoon, and defending his new party's mighty fuckups by saying "Oh yeah, well you wouldn't have done better!" is infantile, peurile and nonsensical logic.
Reagan didn't consult the left when he destroyed the Soviet Union, and Bush didn't consult the left when we took out Zarqawi or Saddam's evil sons.
Reagan did not destroy the USSR. Internal greed, corruption, and fiscal strangleholds caused by US policy created during the Truman and Eisehnhower administrations contributed to the eventual collapse. Reagan just happened to be the guy in office when it finally went down. Lucky him.
And you were proved right, Donovan, by the incontestable fact that we've suffered a new 9/11 every month since then. Oh wait, we haven't, have we?
As opposed to before 9-11, when we suffered a disaster every month and were at war on several fronts and carrying the biggest deficit in our nation's history: Oh wait, we weren't then either. Damn that Bush is so Godlike he even prevented attacks before his presidency! Bullshit rhetoric is a wasted effort.
Pretty hard to prove Bush is a failure when even Al Queda admits we have them by the throat! (Or the balls, take your pick.)
I pick option "C": How lucky and convenient for Bush and the Repubs that right before a major election that many are saying they will lose in, a so-called "Figurehead" of the badguys who can't fire a weapon unaided is suddenly found and killed, and just HAPPENS to leave behind a readable copy of a detailed account describing how Bush is one scary motherfucker to the enemy. This also happens to coincide with a deep downward spiral in the Great Warchief's approval rating, where he is seen as anything BUT a success to 80% of his own country.
Deus ex machina, Ogami. It means God in the Machine, and is a literary term where the playwright is unable to write himself out of the cliffhanger he has created, so he creates a "miracle" out of thin air that saves the day (Like Martians who catch cold and die). That's what this letter is, nothing more.
HeroicFool said:
The contract with America, lead by Newt, the balanced budget that Clinton gets credit for these days was done by a republican congress and good ole Bill fought it tooth and nail, oh and the president committing perjury...
Incorrect: Clinton instituted line-item vetoes to trim pork barrel spending from submitted budgets, which caused huge battles on capitol hill while congress attempted to save their pet projects from the scrap heap. The fact remains, while Clinton was president we enjoyed a surplus for the first time ever. Twelve years of Republican presidency couldn't do that, and when the Repubs took over again they immediately lost all that money. The facts don't support your ridiculous assertion that the Repubs somehow were responsible for the fiscal turnaround, when every evidence points to the opposite.
As for the rest. If you believe what the nightly news is feeding you nightly on Iraq, you are a buffoon. There were WMD in Iraq, we sold them to Saddam that's how we knew. Saddam did fund terrorism and even had known terrorists over for visits on occasion. Were there other motivations behind the war in Iraq than just terrorism? I don't doubt it for a second, but to say that there is no connection between terrorists and Iraq is stupidity.
Do you even read what you post? WMD's were there because WE SOLD THEM TO HIM? Of course, that admission would make our country guilty of international crimes against humanity, but that's not what your point is. You say we were justified in removing a threat that we created 20-some years ago when we installed Saddam into office, sold him those WMD's so he could kill Iranians for us, and allowed him to assume dictatorial power over his own people. And who was in power then? Who were the evil bastards who created this monster? I see Bush sr, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, well what a coincidence!!! They surely must have known that one day Bush Jr would have to remove Saddam from office as a moral crusade, so the usual suspects actually PROVIDED the cause by selling him WMD's strictly so that Bush Junior would have reason for war.

God damn those guys are clever.
As for other motivations leading to war: That's not what was presented to us as a country. Clinton had "other motivations" for lying about a blowjob. There is NO evidence linking Iraq to Al Quaida; in fact all evidence points to a strong adversarial position between Hussein and Bin Laden due to the former's secular worldview. If you believe there was any link other than that your president invented, there is indeed a buffoon in this argument, but it ain't me.
Donovan wrote:

Agreed. But the fact remains that the Republicans ran a successful campaign based entirely on the "We hate Clinton Nyah Nyah" ticket, and pandered to the hardcore moral right for their votes.

So with that in mind, the Democrats think they can win on a similar ticket. I see your point. I just don't see the DNC doing anything different than they did in 2002 and 2004. They're going to lose if they don't get some positive candidates who say "Vote for me because I'll do this", not "Vote for me or the GOP will kill you all and irradiate the soil, and pollute the whales and kill baby seals for Halliburton". I mean come on, that's hysterically funny. But that's the DNC platform as far as can be discerned.

The voting booth shenanigans aside, Repubs won on the very "agendas" they now whine about from Dems: accusations of lying, office improprieties, and a higher "moral stance".

We do have a higher moral stance. Take Newt Gingrich, he didn't get caught until it was way too late. ;)

The fact that Gore was afraid to use Clinton as a support base was his own mistake, added to the fact that the Clintons would not benefit from a democratic white house if Hillary was entertaining her eventual run.

I think you've nailed it. Only an honest appraisal of Democrat mistakes will win the White House back. Michael Moore won't do it for them.

Politics is a very tangled web, and generally very entertaining.

Yes! Because most politicians are idiots. They're fun to watch, all of them.

Meanwhile, this administration is rapidly becoming known as the most corrupt at all levels since Nixon, and daily revelations about new lies and war crimes by this regime will make this a very dark period in our country's history.

Well... The problem with that contention is that you've convinced the Mainstream Media, but not America. The Mainstream Media already had Karl Rove convicted, sentenced, and wearing an orange jump suit. When it didn't come true, (he's not going to be charged with anything) we had increduous reporters demanding Bush comment on Rove's criminality. It was proven to the journalists, so his guilt was obvious, right? Only in their fantasy world.

It is that fantasy world the left has about Bush (He's a dummy, a neocon conspirator (note the two are a complete contradiction), selected not elected, etc.) that has led to their defeat in every election. And I am happy they are still in that fantasy! It means we'll never lose, we don't even have to try hard.

But that wasn't what was presented to the world as cause for war. There are hundreds of despotic regimes in existence, many of whom are actively killing their citizens right now.

It is true that the Democrat Mantra is that WMD was the sole reason for going to war in Iraq. They've repeated it to themselves for three years until they believe it. Sadly for that fantasy, Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumseld, and Powell cited a very long list of real crimes by Saddam Hussein to warrant his removal. When Clinton was president, every Democrat believed these crimes. When Bush took office, suddenly it was all a lie. The only lying going on came from the two-faced Democrats, who only changed their minds because it was a Republican in the White House and not Gore, Clinton, or Kerry. That's silly and laughable.

Technically, the ongoing war of attrition Israel wages against Palestine puts them squarely in the "needs removal" camp as well, not to mention the Saudi Regime which is nearly as totalitarian as pre-war Iraq.

In a perfect world, Israel and Palestine would be forced to craft a united government and live together. Their neighbors are sick of their struggle, and they are too. Sadly, I know of no way of speeding up the peace process. (Not unless we rope off the whole area as a nature preserve and evict every living person from the region.)

You cannot successfully argue that the ends justify the means unless a) you are consistent in your ideals and b) you are supported by the majority of the world in your actions.

The official policy of the United States since 1998 has been regime change for Iraq. You can look it up for yourself on the internet under the "1998 Iraq Liberation Act" signed into law by President Clinton. It's how we got into bed with Ahmed Chalabi.

Very likely, a democratic presidency would have led to NOT going to war in Iraq, and a focus on the actual perpetrators of the 9-11 attacks, assuming they would have been successful at all.

I disagree. With the intelligence reports that a President Gore or President Kerry received, they would have dealt finally with Saddam Hussein. And 100% of the river of hate we're seeing from the left over Iraq would disappear like magic! The "we hate Bush" crowd will have an awful hard time convincing anyone that their insane hatred of Bush is not the main source of their Iraq criticism. Look at the "Bush=Hitler" pictures all over this board!

Reagan did not destroy the USSR.

Reagan did everything he could to help them into the grave. Whether the Soviet Union would have fallen now or 50 years from now will have to be decided by future historians. But his record is clear, if your opponent is on his knees, you cut off his knees. You don't wait around and hope for the best. (Which has been the Democrat foreign policy for the past 50 years.)

As opposed to before 9-11, when we suffered a disaster every month and were at war on several fronts and carrying the biggest deficit in our nation's history: Oh wait, we weren't then either. Damn that Bush is so Godlike he even prevented attacks before his presidency! Bullshit rhetoric is a wasted effort.

As HeroicFool accurately pointed out, President Clinton repeatedly said, year after year, that he could not balance the budget. Until the Republican congress forced him to sign it, along with welfare reform. The left grumbled, but Clinton happily took credit for everything. What a hero!

How lucky and convenient for Bush and the Repubs that right before a major election that many are saying they will lose in, a so-called "Figurehead" of the badguys who can't fire a weapon unaided is suddenly found and killed, and just HAPPENS to leave behind a readable copy of a detailed account describing how Bush is one scary motherfucker to the enemy.

And you've just proven precisely why we can discount every Democrat complaint that we haven't captured Bin Laden. Because if we do (assuming he's not dead), you can bet what you just wrote will be on the mouths of every Democrat who is carping, whining, and complaining to this day on how the war on terror is being handled. Funny how not a one of them can specify how they'd do it better, other than consulting with France as Kerry promised to do. But he'll never get that chance, will he?

This also happens to coincide with a deep downward spiral in the Great Warchief's approval rating, where he is seen as anything BUT a success to 80% of his own country.

We saw the same inflated (deflated?) numbers for Election 2004, where every Democrat journalist was convinced that since they hated Bush, so the whole country must have too. And when Bush won with several MILLION MORE VOTES than he did in 2000 (elected not selected), the left was stunned and muttered that it was all a GOP dirty trick. Prepare to be tricked again if you believe those polls today! Bush doesn't read them, and he keeps winning.

It's not a coincidence, it's not luck, it's not a neocon conspiracy. Bush is not a dummy, his critics are, and they prove it every election where he wipes the floor with them.

Thank goodness the DNC will never change their election strategy. Bank on it.

Nothing wrong with killing Iranians, and if we can get someone else to do it for the low low price of shitty secondhand weapons then so be it. Iran too will have to be dealt with sooner or later if things continue along the present course. If you don't think that's how the world works, then naive is way too good a word for you.

There was nothing wrong with selling these weapons to our ally at the time either, hardly illegal, we do it even now all over the world. Old, excess military hardware and other assorted obselete weapons are constantly being sold quite legally and above board.

We may be responsible for Saddam becoming who he is, but we can neither predict the future nor does it really matter. His actions are his alone, we provided weapons because it suited our national interests at the time. We cannot control every outcom from then on.

Long story short, shit happens and we're cleaning up the mess as we speak.

The Clinton shit is just a lie!!!!

You're a liar!!!!

Your assertions are ridiculous!!!

Take it back you evil republica... er democrat!!!

(Sorry, I felt myself going over to the dark side there. Loudly calling something a lie does not make it so.)

Yeah... Dude, saying something loudly and accusatorily doesn't make it so. It's a matter of public record who advanced that budget and who vetoed it many times. It was not until Clinton knew that the republicans had the votes to override his veto that he signed it. It worked out well for him since he gets the credit for it eh?

Thanks to a bunch of simpletons who will believe anything they're told on the boob tube.

Public record trumps bullshit every time.
Ogami said:
Reagan did everything he could to help them into the grave. Whether the Soviet Union would have fallen now or 50 years from now will have to be decided by future historians. But his record is clear, if your opponent is on his knees, you cut off his knees. You don't wait around and hope for the best. (Which has been the Democrat foreign policy for the past 50 years.)

Heh, Reagan hastened the fall of the Soviet Union by forcing upon them an arms race they could not win. Simply put, he spent them into bankruptcy.

That's just fucking brilliant.
And we just activated the missile defense system that the Democrats have jeered at for what, 24 years? Reagan and Bush have been saving their asses for decades, whether they like it or not.

HeroicFool said:
Thanks to a bunch of simpletons who will believe anything they're told on the boob tube.

Public record trumps bullshit every time.

Back atcha, O' Reilly. Your last sentence is what will eventually come to pass, and all the grandstanding and shifting stances isn't going to change things. Bush's approval ratings dipped so low even Fox couldn't spin them into a positive.

As for surplus/deficits: if, as you say (loudly and assertively on a message board LOL) the repubs were entirely responsible for the fiscal boom and surplus during Clinton's terms, how did they manage to fuck it up so badly when they controlled the house and senate and White House during Shrub's regime? Nobody was "fighting tooth and nail" then; it should have been a piece of cake.

Republicans crack me up....
You know the answer to that as well as I do Donovan.

Bush passed every spending bill sent up to him, the war is expensive, etc, etc...

I've already gone on record twice saying Bush's spending is irresponsible and I disagree with it in the most vehement way possible.

What he should be doing is actually CUTTING entitlements and I don't mean the usual meaning of the term. Not just decreasing the rate of growth, but spending LESS than the previous year.

If we're going to be accused of it and called evil for by you dems, we might as well be guilty of the crime.
Donovan wrote:

As for surplus/deficits: if, as you say (loudly and assertively on a message board LOL) the repubs were entirely responsible for the fiscal boom and surplus during Clinton's terms, how did they manage to fuck it up so badly when they controlled the house and senate and White House during Shrub's regime? Nobody was "fighting tooth and nail" then; it should have been a piece of cake.

I would vote for any Democrat Presidential candidate who ran on a serious balanced budget. Unfortunately, we all know that will never happen. The only budget the Democrats will ever cut is the military budget. But nice try remaking them as fiscal hawks. I wish the Democrats had more than a handful.

We all know that the dems would be singing the praises of the President if he were a democrat and had the exact same spending habits.

Their real problem is that he is a republican and more specifically, a member of the hated Bush clan.

Nothing he does is right in their minds, even when it goes along with their own socialist agenda.