Love Child
One Love
The perfect sunset
The ocean from a beach during the day or the night
A city street in the middle of the day near a bakery
A still meadow
A stream in the forest
Pretend if you will that I am in prision and I have not seen these things in ages. Please describe them for me. How is the sky? Is it pink? Is it purple? Are there clouds? What does it smell like? What are the sounds? Close your eyes, can you see it?
Is there a breeze on your face, in your hair? Do you feel the bugs crawling on your toes and legs from the grass? Can you smell the cinamon rolls fresh from the oven?
The ocean from a beach during the day or the night
A city street in the middle of the day near a bakery
A still meadow
A stream in the forest
Pretend if you will that I am in prision and I have not seen these things in ages. Please describe them for me. How is the sky? Is it pink? Is it purple? Are there clouds? What does it smell like? What are the sounds? Close your eyes, can you see it?
Is there a breeze on your face, in your hair? Do you feel the bugs crawling on your toes and legs from the grass? Can you smell the cinamon rolls fresh from the oven?