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Did Bobby really make Darryn drink his sweat


I want to smell dark matter
Apparently there was a clip of it on Bit On The Side (I actually watched some of it tonight since Nikki, Ben and Pete Insane Burns were on) but there's nothing on the website.

Could Bobby Sable actually be a psychopath?
Haven't see Bit on the Side yet, but I think Bobby's tough talk about the rest of the house being boneheads (while completely accurate) was his manly man's way of separating from the house in the event he's evicted. HE WILL NOT CRY. HE WILL NOT CRY. HE WILL NOT CRY!
I'm watching him apologize to Darin now. The Dorothy dress makes him particularly vulnerable, but Darin seems to have taken it all in stride.
We were watching it! That was really revolting. I don't even care that it was Darryn, you don't do that to anyone you've only known a week! And yesterday Bobby Sable was bitching about being in a house full of children! If I were Darryn I'd be demanding that BB remove Bobby Sable from the house.
I'm surprised Bobby didn't get called into the Diary Room. That's the kind of thing that gets people warned (maybe he did and they didn't show it.)

My new theory with Bobby: he auditioned for regular BB, but they decided he was unhinged enough to make Celebrity BB more interesting so they threw him in on the flimsy pretext that he's a model.
I'm surprised he wasn't evicted by the public and at least warned by BB. LOL NO LIVE FEED WE KNOW NOTHING LOL.