I Love Cunt
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I just wanted to thank the kids that were high that were driving in front of me that were also in front of me in the grocery store because had they not been in front of me and slowed down and blah blah blah etc etc something about a deer with horns and a dog who looked like some pig or something strange but it was only a dog, but there really was a deer and it really did have horns and I have not seen it yet and I make it a point to see all deer in my neighborhood and elk because there are elk too and don't you wish you lived here and don't you wish you sort of could just sit in a tent in the woods and watch all of the wild life go by except that when and if you did it really wouldn't happen like that it would just be like waiting until you put your tent away and then were driving away and then 10 deer would fucking assault your vehicle and say, "WTF Mother Fucker?!" Or something like that because the deer do that too out here I think its the meth, there must be meth out here because I swear those people looked like they were on something especially when that girl said, "I want a dvd!" and then she stared at the red box dvd thing for like only 20 seconds but it felt like 20 minutes, not really but maybe it did I don't know I was just buying ice cream and something salty for my little salty craving I was having because I didn't get to swallow your sweet juices but instead we hugged and kissed and cuddled and it was really sweet and all I want is sex but our relationship has evolved but I'm having a hard time with it so I bought peanut butter ice cream and pickled ginger, but then I saw the high people got in line before me so I walked around the store
I should have stopped at the deer.
I should have stopped at the deer.