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'Disliking Foreigners' Now Illegal in Britain


New member
British court rewards snitcher who overheard colleagues

Ruby Schembri is a White 35-year old Maltese national who moved to Britain in 2004. She recently earned £750 by taking her employer, HSBC Bank, to court claiming "race discrimination" because she had overheard a private conversation between colleagues.

Watford Employment Tribunal found both Debbie Jones, a local bank manager, and HSBC guilty of "racial discrimination" after Ms Schembri claimed that she had overheard Ms Jones say “I hate foreigners” and “I am against immigration” in a conversation with Rosemary Johnstone, a colleague, in April 2005.

According to Schembri:

“Debbie asked Rosemary if she supported the Tory or Labour Party and bluntly stated ‘I am against immigration.’ My ears pricked up and then Debbie added ‘I hate foreigners.’ I was shocked and offended. Debbie made her statement with real conviction. I found Debbie's racist comment to be offensive and very hurtful. I left the room and was on the counter. I began to cry."

Debbie Jones told the tribunal all she had said was that she would vote for Robert Kilroy-Silk of the United Kingdom Independence Party in the May 5, 2005 general election because he would get rid of immigrants. She denied using the word foreigners. Schembri told the tribunal that she had been upset by Jones’ comments and reported them to her employers. Despite HSBC describing Jones’ remarks as “unacceptable”, she was cleared internally of misconduct and was not disciplined by the bank. She remained at her post at HSBC’s branch in Barnet, North London, apart from a few days’ compulsory “race awareness training.”

However, the employment tribunal in Watford stated that it was reasonable to infer that Jones’ remark showed a “substantial dislike of foreigners.” It unanimously ruled that Jones and HSBC were both guilty of "racial discrimination" and ordered them to pay £750 compensation to Schembri. The latter, who now works for NatWest, another bank, reacted to the verdict with relief: “I feel vindicated.”

The case is one of the first to find that that a comment not made directly to another person can be construed as racism. Moreover, the court ruled that using the term “foreigners” is racist. The verdict also indicates that the mere fact of “disliking” foreigners constitutes a crime, even if one’s dislike is purely private and is not shown directly in one’s behaviour towards a foreigner.

During the row over the Muhammad cartoons some stated that censorship is a form of politeness because no-one is allowed to insult another person or his (religious) feelings. In contemporary Britain the mere harbouring of negative feelings is considered by some to be an insult to them. Consequently, as the British case shows, this makes it financially rewarding to become informers, reporting overheard conversations to the authorities. British citizens who wish to express their reservations about immigration better be careful and never talk in the presence of “foreigners” – including White Maltese citizens.

People who in the past would have pursued careers as Inquisition officials, as Gestapo or Stasi informers, or as interrogators in Lubyanka Prison, have new prospects. Thanks to the multicultural society they can snitch on colleagues and neighbours.

Source: Brussels Journal

Racial discrimination? What if she was against Norwegians coming to Britian?
People who in the past would have pursued careers as Inquisition officials, as Gestapo or Stasi informers, or as interrogators in Lubyanka Prison, have new prospects. Thanks to the multicultural society they can snitch on colleagues and neighbours.

Skrewdriver said:
I stand watch my country, going down the drain
We are all at fault, we are all to blame
We're letting them takeover, we just let 'em come
Once we had an Empire, and now we've got a slum
White Power! For England
White Power! Today
White Power! For Britain
Before it gets too late
Well we've seen a lot of riots, we just sit and scoff
We've seen a lot of muggings, and the judges let 'em off
Well we've gotta do something, to try and stop the rot
And the traitors that have used us, they should all be shot
middle eight:
Are we gonna sit and let them come?
Have they got the White man on the run?
Multi-racial society is a mess
We ain't gonna take much more of this
What do we need?
Well if we don't win our battle, and all does not go well
It's apocalypse for Britain, and we'll see you all in hell

Ian Stuart may have been on to something.
American Indians have their own land for Indians only. Australian Aborigines have their own land. The Japanese legally enforce "Japanese Only" establishments. There have been several occasions where whites and other non-black Africans have been forced off their land and so it could be given to blacks only to have it turn to garbage. But if a European country ever tried to preserve it's land for their own people that would make them evil.
All she had said was that she would vote for Robert Kilroy-Silk of the United Kingdom Independence Party in the May 5, 2005 general election because he would get rid of immigrants.

She should be shot for this statement. For those of you who are not British Kilroy is a former daytime chat show host who got sacked after some racist remarks he made which he does all the time anyway.

He's an idiot and so is Debbie.

I fail to understand why it should be seen as a bad thing to want the UK and the land there of to remain in the hands of it's citizens instead of the largely Islamic foreigners who refuse to assimilate. Enlighten me.
The Brits are some of the most intolerant people too. They don't get along with anyone except the US half the time.

How many racial slurs have the Brits come up with? Tons I would imagine.
RommieSG said:
The Brits are some of the most intolerant people too. They don't get along with anyone except the US half the time.

How many racial slurs have the Brits come up with? Tons I would imagine.

Let me guess, you've never been to England?

London is probably the most multicultural city on Earth with over 270 nationalities making up the base of the cities residents.

Compared to the xenophobic tendencies of the U.S; Britain is far more tolerant than the States. Racism while it obviously exists is nowhere near as prevelant as can be found in many U.S cities either.

But the funniest thing I keep hearing is that in America you actually think British citizens on average have a respect for Americans and American culture.

This is the funniest shit and so spectacularily untrue I don't even know where to begin. Most of Britain has a very poor view of American culture and sees it as dumbed down and stupid.

I like my American friends fine and I like my American TV shows ect but there are many that just laugh when the U.S is brought up. Most of us get on with our Indian cornershop owners better than we do with American tourists.
Zodiac said:
Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! SaintLucifer is more popular in Wordforge than I am so I better get him banned. Wahhhhhhhhhhhh. He is stealing my thunder in Wordforge! *stamps his feet* I want SaintLucifer gone because everyone pays attention to him and not me. Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.
Zodiac said:
Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! SaintLucifer is more popular in Wordforge than I am so I better get him banned. Wahhhhhhhhhhhh. He is stealing my thunder in Wordforge! *stamps his feet* I want SaintLucifer gone because everyone pays attention to him and not me. Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.
Mentalist said:

Let me guess, you've never been to England?

London is probably the most multicultural city on Earth with over 270 nationalities making up the base of the cities residents.

Compared to the xenophobic tendencies of the U.S; Britain is far more tolerant than the States. Racism while it obviously exists is nowhere near as prevelant as can be found in many U.S cities either.

But the funniest thing I keep hearing is that in America you actually think British citizens on average have a respect for Americans and American culture.

This is the funniest shit and so spectacularily untrue I don't even know where to begin. Most of Britain has a very poor view of American culture and sees it as dumbed down and stupid.

I like my American friends fine and I like my American TV shows ect but there are many that just laugh when the U.S is brought up. Most of us get on with our Indian cornershop owners better than we do with American tourists.

Yes, yes. We are all aware there is no longer such a thing as British culture. I would suggest you be prepared to become a Muslim state bitch. The British are all Morons who are giving away what little they have to the inferior races.