Troll Kingdom

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DLA, Give It Up


You are no match for the newly formed Anti Dual Liberation Army (or ADLA). We are many, and well connected.

Be gone, or face our wrath, peons!

We do not fear you, or your endless supply of mediocre images.

Start packing. Your reign of terror is coming to an end.
You control what we allow you to control.

You take no action that is not pre-approved by us. It's like that old Penn and Teller card trick. You might think you have the upper hand, but circumstances have been manipulated to OUR desired outcome.

You are existing in a state of delusion.
you have NO idea of the strength and resources of the DLA...

we could destroy you in an instant if we so wished, however you're clearly just a retarded upstart dual, and not worth bothering about...
Using derision as an instrument to malign credibility. Clever. Not.

True, I am a sleeper. But whose? That is the important question, is it not?
After lengthy discussion, the TKDL have come to the conclusion that the ADLA is a threat to Troll Kingdom. As such, we condemn this action against the DLA forces, and pledge to support the peaceful efforts of VKD and his soldiers. Your effrots here will not be successful, Friday. Your day is coming.
perhaps the TKDL and the DLA can form an alliance against the ADLA - we shall open peace negotiations...
Suppermahn said:
After lengthy discussion, the TKDL have come to the conclusion that the ADLA is a threat to Troll Kingdom. As such, we condemn this action against the DLA forces, and pledge to support the peaceful efforts of VKD and his soldiers. Your effrots here will not be successful, Friday. Your day is coming.
Suppermahn? That's funny. I could have sworn you're name was Superman. I wonder if anyone with the powzr to change handles changed yours so that the crap dual known as Superman could register.
Tyrant said:
Suppermahn? That's funny. I could have sworn you're name was Superman. I wonder if anyone with the powzr to change handles changed yours so that the crap dual known as Superman could register.
