Here are grades/reviews of the final 3 episodes of Series 2:
"Fear Her": C+. Felt like I'd seen it before.
"Army of Ghosts": B+. The beginning was just so-so, but I LOVED the "Ghostbusters" scene. Made me laugh out loud. Even the Torchwood stuff was just so-so. I expected a bigger "reveal" of Torchwood. The last 20 minutes or so were bloody brilliant, and elevated the show from a C+ to a B+. The Daleks vs. the Cybermen! One word: AWESOME!!
"Doomsday": A. Not as good as "Impossible Planet" or "The Satan Pit", but close. Very close. This was a "classic" Doctor Who in every sense of the word. Good action, nice sly acting by Tennant, and some tender moments. Yeah, I almost cried at the last. So what? The only thing I didn't really like was the Runaway Bride who'll be replacing Rose. But I s'pose anyone replacing Rose would make me angry. Said the same thing about Tennant when Eccleston left, and look how well that turned out.
All in all, Tennant has turned out to be a brilliant Doctor, even better than Eccleston, the best I've seen so far. I cannot wait until Series 3 starts in December!!