Does anyone use Wii Fit??

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
So I find myself 38 years old and at my heaviest weight ever. I'm not one of those people who can just cut calories; I need to eat less and work out regularly.

Therein lies the rub. I'm up for work at 5:15 and in the car by 6; even if I leave work promptly at 5 I don't get home until 7. More often than not, I'm home around 7:30. We have a small workout center in our apt complex, but by the time get home I'm WIPED, I don't want to wait around for a treadmill or weigh machine to be free. Plus, I generally hit the hay around 9:30 or 10, so I barely get to see the family as it is.

I've been thinking about getting the Wii, and getting Wii fit. I hear good things in reviews, but I've never known anyone to actually use it. This way, I'll be getting SOME exercise during the week, and I can use the gym facilities on the weekend, when I'm not so balls tired.

So, anyone use it? Know anyone that's used it??

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
A couple of my my nieces use it and like it. Of course they are little slips of things, I don't know if it could take a big burly Paul Bunyan like yerself.

Damn boy, what's that woman feedin' ya? ;)


Boobie inspector
I used it every night when I first got it, then the first time I got a cold I took a week off it, then I just really couldnt get back into it, go on it once every blue moon now

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
A couple of my my nieces use it and like it. Of course they are little slips of things, I don't know if it could take a big burly Paul Bunyan like yerself.

Damn boy, what's that woman feedin' ya? ;)

Not her fault, it's my own. A steady diet of "Oh, Carl's Jr., Jack in the Box, In 'N Out Burger, never tried that", plus sitting on my ass for over 12 hours a day (work and commuting), has made me a tub 'o lard. You KNOW when you can't find clothes in your waist size at WAL-MART, you're fucking fat.

So, back on the stick, time to eat healthy and workout. The good news is, I do love vegetables and lean meats, I just get lazy and take-out is just easier. But I'm committed, I don't want to be the "fat dad" at the park. Wii Fit is easy to do without making a huge time commitment, and once I drop 10-20 pounds I'll remember how much fun it is to run 8 miles a day, and have a 34-inch waist!


Touching the monolith
Staff member
My bro's girlfriend uses Wii sport, she wants the Wii fit but doesn't have the cash for it right now. She likes to box.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I can Wii Bowl like a muthafucka.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I've broken 200 a couple of times, I average 150-170. I only play it when I visit my family in the suburbs, so I don't get to practice much.


Pinata Whacker
I've broken 200 a couple of times, I average 150-170. I only play it when I visit my family in the suburbs, so I don't get to practice much.

I only play it on Saturdays when I hang out with rocktar's college buddies on the weekend and we play poker, pool and Wii bowling. So I don't get much practice either.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Oh yeah? Well, I can jump off the high dive!
My advice...

eat a LOT!!!

just eat things less fat gram wise.

i eat apples, turkey sandwiches, chicken & rice, mushrooms, blue berries, grapes, and then every other week...

...i PIG out at a breakfast buffet with my co-workers! ;)

Yeah, i eat a shit load of bacon, biscuits & gravy, eggs, waffle, hash brown potatoes, steak bits, and anything else loaded with lots of fat grams!

Ya see, if u r good for a while...u can gorge ur gut at least once every other week!;)

Works for me. :)