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Does EXISLE still exist?


I remember posting at Exisle with Lucy, Donovan, Tyrant, Blindgroping, Kerb Crawler, Geedis/Danny Hellman and Starship Coyote around 2006-2008
Cait and I share a lot on fb. She did my chart a couple years ago
She ghosted me. I tried to message her, and it showed that she read it... but never replied... dunno what I ever did to her.

But yes, Ex Isle does still exist, but it's a ghost of what it was.
Give oh WHAT a rest already @jack ?

Talking about Voytek & his debauchery?

ALL of the longtime TKers , like you , @Loktar & etc et al KNOW all too WELL that Mr. Dolinski is NOTHING BUT TROUBLE :mad:
Jeff just got his masters in social work. he has a wife and a cute 13 year old daughter, is happily married and successful.

He doesn't do this stuff anymore. Hasn't for years. Aque clearly has taken too much bad acid.
Who is Mr Dillinsinki?

Mr. Voytek Dolinski , Dean of Discipline@Weaver High School , which is PICKLE 'S real life name & identity & career.

Being that its got the word 'Dill' in it I'm gonna bet its got something to do with Pickle.

TRUE . isn't is SAD @Seph that PICKLE was NEVER dilled :(

Jeff just got his masters in social work. he has a wife and a cute 13 year old daughter, is happily married and successful.

He doesn't do this stuff anymore. Hasn't for years. Aque clearly has taken too much bad acid.

What's this "jeff" jazz AGAIN @jack ? Huh?

That "jeff" persona is just a smokescreen hiding PICKLE'S true real self & motives & debauchery that PICKLE engages in all the time :(

Just STOP and THINK about how HILARIOUSLY ABSURD PICKLE'S stereotypical cliche American Dream real life is.

PICKLE has the nice wife , university degree & training , kid and APPLE PIE!

OH PUH-LEEZ! :rolleyes:

That's PICKLE'S FB persona as described by @jack , which is CLEARLY just a clever SMOKESCREEN :mad:
Fuck's sake, Will Power. Dork Lord had nothing to do with Lonaf closing. And your claim as to his identity is wildly off the mark, considering I've met him in person when he and Dual were driving through town.