Troll Kingdom

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Does MINE FIELDS have haters?

Sure you aren't, Pickle's Pocket Pussy.

I don't know what you're talking about. I don't post for a few days due to the holiday, and when I get back, you act like a douche bag towards me. Your gimmick is pretending to be a victim, Loktar. Spill the beans, cause I'm losing interest. How have I 'wronged' you?

Besides asking to have your posts reinstated, I haven't discussed you on other boards. What have I re-quoted or posted links to that wasn't already public info?
I don't know what you're talking about. I don't post for a few days due to the holiday, and when I get back, you act like a douche bag towards me. Your gimmick is pretending to be a victim, Loktar. Spill the beans, cause I'm losing interest. How have I 'wronged' you?

Besides asking to have your posts reinstated, I haven't discussed you on other boards. What have I re-quoted or posted links to that wasn't already public info?

I may like playing the victim but you like pretending to be all sweet and innocent while simultaneously being an evil devil cat reporting back to Master Pickle. You're acting like the douchebag thing is new. Its not. You just notice it more recently because there's noone falling for your nice kitty act and telling big bad Loktar to back down and play nice. As for how you've wronged me: You know what you done, Snitcher Kitty. Drop the sweet, innocent Kitty act.

(I'd like to request a mod/admin split this off if possible. I'd hate to ruin the MF with Badlands drama)
I'm IRL trolling Pickle right now pretending to be a telemarketer, FYI. The Ogre is literally becoming a corn farmer. :S:

Well kiss that troll goodbye now. Snitcher Kitty will be reporting that to Pickle any day now.
I may like playing the victim but you like pretending to be all sweet and innocent while simultaneously being an evil devil cat reporting back to Master Pickle. You're acting like the douchebag thing is new. Its not. You just notice it more recently because there's noone falling for your nice kitty act and telling big bad Loktar to back down and play nice. As for how you've wronged me: You know what you done, Snitcher Kitty. Drop the sweet, innocent Kitty act.

(I'd like to request a mod/admin split this off if possible. I'd hate to ruin the MF with Badlands drama)

I agree about the needless drama. You assaulted me here. It's unnecessary. Stop flaming other members in the MF, Loktar.

Also, after asking several times to prove how I'm a snitch, or to even make a descript, formal accusation, you still haven't. You're a shit starter, and a liar. It's a waste of my time to humor this matter further. Call me Snitch Kitty all you want. It's more of your unfounded bullshit. It's rather shocking and to your credit nobody has seem through this by now. You make shit up, or force people into fake drama with you, just so you can cry victim. zzzzz seen it. I didn't do anything to you. We both know that. If you're mad that I'm posting in the Minefield, be honest about it. There's no need to fabricate an issue just to have an excuse to attack me. Have a nice night, Loktar, and stop being an ass hole.

Btw, Dual, I'm not going to run back to Pickle and narc you out. You've been here a long time. I doubt you believe every lie spread around TK.

Well kiss that troll goodbye now. Snitcher Kitty will be reporting that to Pickle any day now.
lol Assumptions.
Have a nice night, Loktar, and stop being an ass hole.

No, fuck you, Kitty. I'm done playing the nice wimpy Loktar who sits back while everyone tells him how to live his life, what opinions he should have or calls him a liar and or full of bullshit because he changes his mind about an issue(either for real or fake drama).

Clark Kent is dead. Long live Superman(the slightly douche-y version)!

And lol assumptions right back at you Kitty.
No, fuck you, Kitty. I'm done playing the nice wimpy Loktar who sits back while everyone tells him how to live his life, what opinions he should have or calls him a liar and or full of bullshit because he changes his mind about an issue(either for real or fake drama).

Clark Kent is dead. Long live Superman(the slightly douche-y version)!

And lol assumptions right back at you Kitty.
You've said all that on numerous occasions before. No more Mr. Nice Guy! The nice guy Loktar is your front. Whatever.

You don't want to be called a liar, then don't start lies, Loktar, especially ones you conveniently don't back up even when given multiple chances to do so.

Have Eggs or somebody split this waste of time argument into a thread in SF. You can continue to flame me there. I'm not interested in your proof of why I'm a snitch; there is none. I have no interest in arguing with you. Say whatever you want to about me. I'm not mad at you.