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does Neil Gaiman actually write anything anymore?

On 16 November 2010, Amanda Palmer hosted a flash mob wedding (not legally binding) for Neil's birthday in New Orleans, since she used to perform as a bride statue. They both blogged individually about it the next day on their respective websites.[54] Neil stated "Next time we get married, I'll marry the lady, not the statue, and there will be invited people and not a flash mob, and I'll know it's happening in advance, and there will be a paper and it will be legally recognised, but I cannot imagine it will be any more joyous than this was. And truthfully, after that morning's magical wedding, I don't think I could ever feel more married."

Sounds a bit wanky.
Mmm...I hope he doesn't go down the Tom Clancy (and David Webber) path.

A Book (that might have been read by but wasn't written by) Presented by "FAMOUS AUTHOR" but features all of these other people who actually wrote it.
The Graveyard Book was recent, in 2008, and it was great. Not as awe inspiring as Neverwhere or American Gods but it is a young adult novel.

Thank you for the warning about his tweets. If I ever lobotomize myself on a wrought iron fence and suddenly decide to pay attention to Twitter, I'll do my best to remember the warning.
It's best just to follow hot actresses and hope that they'll tweet pics of themselves.

I never read the Graveyard Book because I heard it was a children's book and I'm meh about them (even though I read all the Harry Potters so really I could read it.)
Graveyard book is pretty twisted. Within the first chapter a toddler survives the murder of his entire family. If I had a child of the age the book is advertised for I don't know if I'd want them to read certain parts of it.