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DomaMATRIX Troll Conspiracy


New member
Big Announcement!

Ok...........Jack has got on my very last nerve with all his pussified whining about my Conspiracy and everything so I am going to tell you what really is in the works here. TrollKingdom will be the first to know about my BIG project I have been working on for the last two years with some compooter geek programmers. We are working on one of the BIGGEST games that will ever hit the market. I think I have a traitor in the ranks and Messenger has got wind of this game we have been developing and is trying to beat us to it.

The Name of this Game is DomaMATRIX Troll Conspiracy and it centers around a lot of the people I have met on message boards most notably DarthSikle who will be the main character in the game. This is going to be some real cloak & dagger stuff............don't kid yourselves. The reason I have been trolling around on boards is to get ideas that seem believable and not-so-believable so we know what to use. There is going to be something for everyone in this game..............during the course of it you will be battling the CIA, IRS, USDA, ATF, DEA, Army/Navy/Air Force (war games), AstroNuts, the Gay Mafia, U.S. Reps.......then you have sub-games branching off the main matrix. I call them places of Comic Book Stores, BDSM houses, churches, Insane Asylums, VA hospitals, Star Ship Enterprise, Hummer Dealerships (for when your space ships get blown up) ........then as you progress in the game you will have places to take your findings for extra points like the FBI, TV stations, the DOJ.
We are working on the final version right now since I threw them a curve ball with the IP#'s thing that we feel could be a BIG part of the game.

So anyway............after much consideration, listening to Jack be a pussy.......I met with the geeks tonight and we have decided to pull him out as one of the comic book characters since we can find plenty more whiners like him on other boards. We are thinking of using Geedis instead.
Oh.........another "glitch" we are working on is that we had to split the two leaders (me & DS) up into two teams because we knew all the "warriors" would never be able to keep up with us and even at that we are having to come up with ways to make it easier for each team to keep up with us individually. The end result at the end of the Matrix will be a Grand Jury and that is when you hit the JackPot!!!

This is going to be a FUN game!!! Yep...........we expect it to hit stores mid-summer.
No.........their is a traitor compooter geek in my ranks who told messenger about our game. We have kicked him to the cybercurb.