Donate button on TK


GFHH Moderator
Is this new?

I thought it was for the japanese earthquake relief, but no, it is to help TK.

WTF, is Red Whacker back in charge or something?


Elder Statesman
^ I already did that joke.


Retired Account
and i already used my one laugh for it up. :l


beer, I want beer
Damn, I didn't even notice the 'Donate' button until you fuckers mentioned it. So, this site is now owned by a fucking JEW? Why am I not surprised?


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Damn, I didn't even notice the 'Donate' button until you fuckers mentioned it. So, this site is now owned by a fucking JEW? Why am I not surprised?

I'd shut the fuck up if I were you. The donate button is to have you neutered and your vocal cords snipped. And as you can tell, no one even gives a fuck enough about you to donate for that.


U mad 'bro?

i have a HUGE Idea!!

Change the donate button to "Donate to _____"
and make the ____ a [ you ] tag!!


Forever Empress E
I'd shut the fuck up if I were you. The donate button is to have you neutered and your vocal cords snipped. And as you can tell, no one even gives a fuck enough about you to donate for that.

Well, if someone had sent me the memo, I'd have donated the $100 I just spent on yard tools. My yard can wait til another time to be manicured but Luci needs to be snip snipped pronto.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
mmmmmm tg for wine and 3am


GFHH Moderator
Is there a running tally of who has donated and how much was collected?


Staff member
Here is the deal:

I am a young(ish) guy who works for himself and pays for pretty much everything in my life. Not too stunning a revelation really. I am also about to move back to the UK with my girlfriend and setup a new life there and as you should all know that is an EXTREMELY expensive endeavor and has required me to save a lot and I'm still not quite where I want to be to go back yet.

Troll Kingdom is not cheap to run. It's on quite an expensive dedicated hosting package because anything less than that would cripple the board and it simply wouldn't be here.

This forum has a lot of traffic and a huge CPU overhead. The stats at the bottom of TK should allude to that alone.

I have spent thousands running TK and I intend to continue running TK and spending all the money that is required to do so regardless of whether anyone wants to donate or not. TK is not under any threat of closing or anything. I have a personal responsibility to keep TK up and running and I knew it wouldn't be cheap from the start. That said I won't lie that it can be a bit of a strain when I take all the other expenses my life racks up in to account. You know.. living.

Another point worth making is that TK is of course completely advert free. A veritable rarity online these days. The idea of adverts is shudder worthy, don't worry. (before the hate mail starts incoming) The whole thing is funded from my pocket. I hope there isn't anybody that actually thinks TK is hosted on some silly 10 bucks a month shared hosting package though.

I added some updates to TK last week and whilst going through some plug-ins I wanted to add I decided to put in the donate button as well. If people want to contribute and can afford to do so then it's very welcome and takes a little bit of the burden off the bills every month. If not that's cool too. I really didn't want to make a big deal out of it and wouldn't have made a thread, or even talked about it, instead letting people find it on their own and decide for themselves but there is a thread now so I'm making things clear.

TK is under no threat. It's completely up to any of you if you want to help or not and that's the long and short of it really!



moral imperfection
I fucking hate Paypal. Send me your bank details and I'll gladly set up a standing order. You'll even safe the fees.


beer, I want beer
I'd shut the fuck up if I were you. The donate button is to have you neutered and your vocal cords snipped. And as you can tell, no one even gives a fuck enough about you to donate for that.

This would be a supreme waste of money, as there is already zero chance that anyone will EVER listen to Luci or give him sex.