Don't Let The Homosexuals Abduct Your Children and Turn Them Into Flamers!!

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Homosexual Recruitment Programs May Face Legal Challenges

by Rev. Louis P. Sheldon
Chairman, Traditional Values Coalition

The Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) is holding its annual homosexual recruitment effort on April 9th at several hundred public schools nationwide. It bills this event as the “Day of Silence,” which is an attempt to dramatize the alleged plight of “homosexual” teens who are fearful of going public about their sexual behaviors.

Day of Silence, however, is nothing more than a clever propaganda campaign designed to silence opposition to the homosexual seduction of children—and to lure more sexually confused teens into a lifestyle that is fraught with physical and mental health dangers.

GLSEN’s leader, Kevin Jennings, is a master propagandist who revealed his homosexual recruitment strategy at a Human Rights Campaign leadership conference on March 5, 1995. Jennings told his fellow homosexual activists that GLSEN got a foothold in Massachusetts schools by pushing the idea that homosexual teens needed “safe schools” where teens would be free of verbal or physical harassment.

Jennings used bogus statistics that claimed 10% of teens are homosexuals and that 30% of all teen suicides are committed by homosexuals. Both of these statistics are fraudulent and have been debunked for more than a decade—but homosexuals continue to use these false stats. GLSEN’s ploy has worked and more than 800 public high schools have well-entrenched Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) clubs, sponsored by homosexual teachers.

The Traditional Values Coalition has been a vocal opponent of the homosexual seduction of children by GLSEN activists. Last year, we launched a “Speak Up for Traditional Values” educational campaign for students to use in opposing GLSEN’s recruitment efforts. Our free, online materials expose a number of Homosexual Urban Legends used by homosexual activists to gain power and show students that they have the constitutional right and duty to speak up for traditional values on their campuses.

We also deal with the very real threat of AIDS spreading rapidly among teens as more of them begin to experiment with homosexual sex. The CDC is concerned about the growing rates of AIDS infections among teens. While our nation is committed to spending an estimated $15 billion on the worldwide AIDS epidemic, our nation’s schools are allowing a homosexual group on campus to seduce teens into a lifestyle that can kill them.

School officials should be aware of their legal liabilities when they permit homosexuals to recruit children on campuses. The public school should not function as a pimp for homosexual activists who seek children for sexual seduction. Yet, this is what is occurring. School leaders should be held legally liable for whatever physical or emotional damage that is done to children who become entrapped by a homosexual lifestyle.

In California, a group of lawyers and activist groups have issued a lengthy paper on the legal liabilities facing schools when they allow homosexuals on campus to recruit children. The paper, “The Legal Liability Associated With Homosexuality Education in California Public Schools” lays out a compelling set of arguments against public school endorsement of GLSEN’s recruitment efforts.

It notes that homosexual education programs endanger the physical and mental health of students; they stifle free speech; and they may open school officials to wrongful death lawsuits when teens become infected and die of AIDS.

GLSEN’s dishonest propaganda campaign may have allowed it to become entrenched in 800 or more schools across this nation—but it has opened school officials to costly litigation. It is my hope that school administrators will take a leadership role in ejecting these dangerous recruitment programs from their schools.

Schools need to be safe places for teens to be free from homosexual seduction programs—and students also need to be free to speak up for traditional values without fear of reprisals. Sodomy is not a family value—and it is not a practice that should be promoted among our nation’s teenagers.

Shitty Dual

schroedinger's fat


Joker was pulling this lame shit with the Sahih account 5 years ago. Problem is, it was funny then.