Don't quote Hitler


Two high school seniors picked quotations from Adolf Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" to appear under their high school yearbook pictures, prompting school officials to apologize.

The quotes were picked by Christopher Koulermos and Philip Compton, both 18. Koulermos' read "Strength lies not in defense, but in attack." Compton chose "The great masses of people ... will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one."

"It's our responsibility and we failed miserably," said Northport High School principal Irene McLaughlin. "The fact that the book went out in the form it did was a grave mistake on our part."

Officials also are discussing with the yearbook's publishing company either reprinting the section in question or offering special tape to people who want to cover the quotes.
Okay, that's over the top.

"If to smoke you turn I shall not cease to fiddle while you burn."
- Nero

I came, I saw, I conquered.
- Julius Caesar

If there ever was in the history of humanity an enemy who was truly universal, an enemy whose acts and moves trouble the entire world, threaten the entire world, attack the entire world in any way or another, that real and really universal enemy is precisely Yankee imperialism.
- Fidel Castro

The truth is that men are tired of liberty.
- Benito Mussolini

Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas.
- Joseph Stalin

We don't want to forget what these people said. Trust me on this.
Hambil said:
Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas.
- Joseph Stalin

We don't want to forget what these people said. Trust me on this.

How about, "Ideas are more powerful with guns."
I saw it on the news. It was exclusively directed towards yids, saying how it defamed the memory of the (Wait, how many was it? I keep forgetting without my daily Harrison Bergeron-style mindscrambling tone... 5.9 million, right?) Jews who died in their own personal holocaust.
Zodiac said:
I saw it on the news. It was exclusively directed towards yids, saying how it defamed the memory of the (Wait, how many was it? I keep forgetting without my daily Harrison Bergeron-style mindscrambling tone... 5.9 million, right?) Jews who died in their own personal holocaust.

Is right holocaust is all lies. Holocaust not happen Jews is liar. Why Jews work so hard keep quiet anyone question truth about holocaust? Why Jews find and capture many Nazis after war then kill? Keep them quiet this why. They know truth holocause not ever happen. All Jew propaganda Jews angry Nazis take all wealth want get back so make world feel sorry for them give them all they want. Holocause is lie never happened. Tell world.
Hambil said:

Okay, that's over the top.

"If to smoke you turn I shall not cease to fiddle while you burn."
- Nero

I came, I saw, I conquered.
- Julius Caesar

If there ever was in the history of humanity an enemy who was truly universal, an enemy whose acts and moves trouble the entire world, threaten the entire world, attack the entire world in any way or another, that real and really universal enemy is precisely Yankee imperialism.
- Fidel Castro

The truth is that men are tired of liberty.
- Benito Mussolini

Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas.
- Joseph Stalin

We don't want to forget what these people said. Trust me on this.

Is prove US liar country and not free country. US say you free when they tell you that you free. All lie. US full crap tell world we free country when not true. Tell child not allowed quote from Hilter nazis do the same to own people and communists also. Les Americains lie. US not free country. This called bullshit. US never entire history free country. Country tell US you liar you not free country US invade to shut up country do not want world to know.
Having won World War II, it's important that we (Canadians, Europeans, Americans) are not required to recite quotations from Adolf Hitler. Now we can quote him at our leisure as a defeated and discredited enemy. I much prefer that than the alternative.

Ogami said:
Having won World War II, it's important that we (Canadians, Europeans, Americans) are not required to recite quotations from Adolf Hitler. Now we can quote him at our leisure as a defeated and discredited enemy. I much prefer that than the alternative.

Nobody required anything. They freely chose them as yearbook quotes. We don't know the motivation behind the choice. And, to assume everything a defeated enemy said was wrong and not worth repeating is blind.
Ogami said:
Having won World War II, it's important that we (Canadians, Europeans, Americans) are not required to recite quotations from Adolf Hitler. Now we can quote him at our leisure as a defeated and discredited enemy. I much prefer that than the alternative.


Do not forget to personally thank the British and Canadians. The USA came in too late to matter. They road our coattails to victory and you know it. Fuck the USA.
So it was from Mein Kampf? People need to know what it was. Given their proclivities, it is amazing they chose nothing of the Anti-semitic stuff. What would have happened had they chosen something truly Hitler, something only Mel Gibson could love. " ... und Deuschland ist ein Christiches Land!"