Dramaland got hacked


Stop Staring At The Catgirl

Trolls broke into the largest furry art site FurAffinity recently, took over an admin account and posted Giga Pudding on every page. But then it took a hilarious twist.

Popular members had their accounts taken over and their private messages leaked on to the Internet. This included various pieces of personal information such as addresses and the various dirty secrets they wanted kept confidential. Admins got demoted and banned and random people had their status set to deceased.

But that isn't all. It has so far resulted in the lead admin being accused of tipping off animal abusers about complaints, a popular artist having rape accusations revealed to the world and the entire administration showing how not to handle a private data breach.

Finally, people have been digging up more and more ways of taking the site out of action through XSS.

Whilst virtually all furry drama is incredibly boring and childish, this is nothing short of a hilarious read as the admins dig a deeper and deeper hole for themselves. The lead admin clearly doesn't understand how PR works.


Holy Roman Emperor

What's even funnier is that DiegoWolfFox has an account on that site. Good God, I would've payed to see the look on that moron's face if some of the info released was his.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
This is the part that got me:

"The hacker themselves come out on POPUFUR furry chansite, lulz.net (don't go there, it is suck)"



Holy Roman Emperor
Then that would make two of them. There's also Fchan. Found that out while looking up "Image Boards" on TV Tropes. There's also TF2chan, devoted to Team Fortress 2. No joke.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
Then that would make two of them. There's also Fchan. Found that out while looking up "Image Boards" on TV Tropes. There's also TF2chan, devoted to Team Fortress 2. No joke.

That..... is about the most unsettling thing I have heard about in a while.


Holy Roman Emperor
Which one, Fchan, TF2chan, or both?

Not to mention, both sites are infamous for the amount of porn on them, and unfortunately, the porn for both of them happens to be related to their subject matter.


Holy Roman Emperor
How do you think RayCav would react to those sites?


Shifty sumbitch
Heh, Nid. I actually met the guy.

Charlemagne: You're a Troper?


Un Banned

Trolls broke into the largest furry art site FurAffinity recently, took over an admin account and posted Giga Pudding on every page. But then it took a hilarious twist.

Popular members had their accounts taken over and their private messages leaked on to the Internet. This included various pieces of personal information such as addresses and the various dirty secrets they wanted kept confidential. Admins got demoted and banned and random people had their status set to deceased.

But that isn't all. It has so far resulted in the lead admin being accused of tipping off animal abusers about complaints, a popular artist having rape accusations revealed to the world and the entire administration showing how not to handle a private data breach.

Finally, people have been digging up more and more ways of taking the site out of action through XSS.

Whilst virtually all furry drama is incredibly boring and childish, this is nothing short of a hilarious read as the admins dig a deeper and deeper hole for themselves. The lead admin clearly doesn't understand how PR works.

Smells of [random]'s dirty work.


Shifty sumbitch
Not a you tag. Although, I had to laugh because I initially saw Malarky.


Stop Staring At The Catgirl
Then that would make two of them. There's also Fchan. Found that out while looking up "Image Boards" on TV Tropes. There's also TF2chan, devoted to Team Fortress 2. No joke.

I have links to a LOT of dodgy furry chan sites unfortunately. Have paws.ru as a taster.

And the Low Orbit Ion Cannon looks like it's got bored of Wikileaks for a while and aimed itself at Furaffinity.


Holy Roman Emperor
Why are you so scared of furries and their porn? Its no worse than t.u.b. girl and/or g.oatse.

He might also be imagining the Team Fortress 2 guys in pornographic situations. That is FAR worse.


Shifty sumbitch

Dare we start a TK pothole over there?


Holy Roman Emperor

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
Why are you so scared of furries and their porn? Its no worse than t.u.b. girl and/or g.oatse.

Maybe I've just been desensitized by years of gross stuff from Nid(a former poster from Lonaf)


Need I say more?