Dual, what's with all this love you have for FRIENDLY's Restaurants?


Un Banned
At least 5 times up on TurdForge you've told me to Dine In At Friendly's in your rep comments:party:

I like Friendly's Restaurants Jim Dandy but your pushing them on me a bit stronglike:hmmm:

That's cool:cool: & all but :wtf: at the same time.

& your clicking on DISAGREE(S) by mistake when your suggesting I Dine In At Friendly's.

Perhaps your rep usage function at WormForge is stuck on DISAGREE(S) for some mysterious unknown technical reason(s){:phpquestion:}

But all is :cool:, well & hunky dory:hat:

I guarantee you Duel that I'll go Dine In At Friendly's THIS WEEK:techman:


Sinless and Purrfect
Better to burn out than fade away.


Un Banned
Aqua, I love you and all, but you seriously need to die in a fire.

Isn't that what happened to that Borgs fella all those worms up in TurdForge's Republican Room are talking about:phpquestion:

Borgs-->:beamcannon:<--TurdForge's PTB

No wonder Borgs ain't postin' here on Pre-K like Dr. Cassandra does.

Damn shame:(

Borgs'll remain forever an abstraction to we n00bs:frown: