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dun-dun-dun-dun...FLASH! A-AHH!...


Yeah saw the previews on - seeing how I have no clue what the original was about I think I might enjoy this. ;)
Saw the pilot. I wasn't impressed. I liked the old, cornball version from 1980. And how do you have Flash Gordon with a caucasian Ming and no Dr. Hans Zarkov!?
Well, that wasn't sooo bad - most of the chicks are hot...
And the token black guy seemed cool, too.

Sure - the scientist guy sucks, so does the evil dictator and the guy playing Flash obviously hasn't ever seen an acting school from the inside - but hey, I'm not that demanding. :shrug:
T&A is all that's needed to keep me happy. :ramen: I'm almost tempted to check out "Painkiller Jane" after what I've heard about that. :ramen:
ctmelvital said:
I'm almost tempted to check out "Painkiller Jane" after what I've heard about that. :ramen:

Wait - Kristanna Loken's starring in that one?

:ramen: :ramen: :ramen:
Painkiller Jane is painfully bad.. so was the Flash Gordon pilot. I probably won't watch either show ever again.
Well, I dunno if I'd say the pilot was painfully bad. But it sure wasn't good. I may be tempted to give it a chance. It isn't any worse than "Enterprise" and I gave that a couple dozen episodes before giving up on it.

But yeah. It's tremendously difficult update "Flash Gordon." And it isn't like BSG, where it only had a couple years in our culture. If you're going to do Flash, you really need rockets, Hawkmen, and a proper Dr. Zarkov. The high-camp cheezy FX version of 1980 worked. And the right person might be able to pull off a straight version of "Flash". But I'd be tempted to set it in the 1950s or earlier.

Really, doing it as a period piece wouldn't be that hard. You only need a couple shots on Earth and then you're off to Mongo and the period is limited to Flash, Dale, and Dr. Z's hair and mannerisms.

Oh, my biggest gripe was making Flash a mopey loser. Well that and no Dr. Zarkov. Dale can be relatively strong, but Flash is the Man--I mean shit, the story's title is his name.
Man, I saw those cheesy costumes and that seriously cheesy robot thing and I guess I just made up my mind right there that it was going to suck. If the pilot comes on again, I'll try to watch it and pay attention instead of reading through most of it. JUST FOR YOU, OK? lol.. unless I'm reading a really good book, then I may not be able to help myself.
Eh. Don't put it on ME. It probably was as bad as you thought. They showed the pilot twice, back to back and I was like "you've got to be kidding. That really wasn't good enough to watch ONCE, let alone twice, back to back." :gagh:

Besides. I actually ENJOYED the Fox "Dr. Who" movie. At least when it came on. I taped it and watched it again a couple years ago and it's pretty terrible. Although I thought the Doctor was more...Doctor-like and the pacing was better than in the new BBC eps. Tenant is just way too frenetic/manic for me. Not enough gravitas.
It couldn't hold my attention for 5 minutes before I changed the channel. Just another skiffy cheap ass production like their creature features.

The only thing they produce that I like is Stargate: Atlantis.