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Dune gets new director

The fact that Paul Greengrass quit the 4th Bourne movie won't help it any - not that its even needed to begin with. Even more so, when you check this guy out at Imdb, and he literally appears to have no prior work under his belt - which doesn't help the reputation Dune has either!

I guess at this early stage, they can rework, or rewrite entirely anyway.
I am still not excited about a Dune movie.. as long as KJA is alive it's bound to be shit.
It's just a hard work to adapt, to be honest. I actually liked the Sting movie as a kid, because it was so unlike anything I'd seen before. I had the action figure of Sting too.

It's almost unwatchable as an adult though. It was a decent attempt, but ultimately a poor movie.
How come you never get in on the Dune discussions? :rwmad: I didn't know you were a Dune nerd too.

Right now, Frank Herbert's son Brian, and hack author Kevin J. Anderson are in control of all things Dune. They've even got themselves listed as co-producers on the film. I don't know much about how movie production works, so hopefully it's just a paycheck for them, and they won't have much to do.
Kevin J. Anderson, that two-bit bitch who can spit out a Sci-Fi 'novel' in weeks - and boy does it read like it?

I seldom join in the chatter, because it seems too much like hard work. I read an awful lot, and watch a prodigious amount of TV Series & Movies. Problem is I watch them so far behind everyone else, I can never really join in with the Series threads, and I think because of that I tend to stay out of the book threads too.
Well, Dune is different cause we've all read it now (me, many times), so it's like talking about an old beloved friend OR SOMETHING.

KJA and Brian Herbert have now written more books in the Dune universe than Frank Herbert. They are all atrocious pieces of shit. In one of their latest, they've made Paul into a circus performer... I am not kidding.
He has an obsession with swapping bodies too. I don't know why he just doesn't fuck off and get breast implants or something.
How come you never get in on the Dune discussions? :rwmad: I didn't know you were a Dune nerd too.

Right now, Frank Herbert's son Brian, and hack author Kevin J. Anderson are in control of all things Dune. They've even got themselves listed as co-producers on the film. I don't know much about how movie production works, so hopefully it's just a paycheck for them, and they won't have much to do.

Glen A. Larson was credited as a consulting producer on every single episode of RDM's BSG just because he created the original, but he actually hated the new version and AFAIK has never actually met RDM or contributed anything to the show.
Same way Fran Rubel Kuzui was credited as an Exec. Producer on Buffy and Angel, only because she directed the Buffy film.
Well, I don't know what say he'll have in the movie, but he is a co-producer or co-executive producer, one of those. I'm sure he thinks he'll be consulted as one of the "experts" of Dune. I'm hoping this new director is a big enough fan of Dune (he says he is a fan) that he realizes just how shitty KJA's understanding of Dune is, and he'll just nod his head and pretend he's listening to Kevie and then completely disregard anything the asswipe has to say.