

Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Worth my time? The previews they show on BBC look funny, but are those the only parts?


Is this real life?
Funny "ha ha"? It's known as one of the most miserable shows on tv. All the residents have horrible lives with one harrowing plotline after another. But somehow it is still sort of watchable.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Yeah, I was looking for funny "ha ha." (is it a clown? Will it amuse me???!)


I want to smell dark matter
MAD JIMMY could tell you if he wasn't banned.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop


Boobie inspector
Its not really that funny, plus every easter and christmas someone dies.

On friday they are doing a live episode where they reveal who killed the guy who died at christmas, supposedly even the cast dont know, but considering after the live episode it goes back to the episodes that were filmed six weeks ago, and deals with aftermath of the revelation, its a fairly safe bet they do know.


Is this real life?
One of my friends was in it over New Year's. Just as an extra in a few scenes, but I tuned in nonetheless. It was actually really, really good and lot better written than the Doctor Who special.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Wait, I am getting the show right, right? About four horny boys? Or have I had a blonde moment?


Is this real life?
That sounds more like The Inbetweeners. I can see how you'd make the mistake. :)

The Inbetweeners is fantastic, though I'm not sure how well some of the references would carry over and it might not be so funny if they bleep out the swearing. Anyway, if it's that, then definitely watch it!


I want to smell dark matter
Watch it and have dirty thoughts about Anthony Head's daughter.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Dammit! Inbetweeners is right! A R STOOPID