I don't take kindly to split dresses or tight shorts from people I like. Especially, in view of the fact I have not requested any 'naked thigh action', and the rules don't say I need to see that.
If your and others' idea of the Mine Field is to be a SACRED forum then state so in a list of rules prescribing when exposed thigh can be shown in the Mine Field, specifying shaven / unshaven, and from what exact point the thigh begins and ends.
Until then, the hand-waving of "do as my naked thigh demands and not as other naked thighs demands in the rule book" as you're doing right now is unbecoming of an Naked Thigh Admin of TK. It's the kind I would expect from boards with draconian thighs, not TK. And especially not from you. I always thought you were smarter and more firm-thighed than that.

If your and others' idea of the Mine Field is to be a SACRED forum then state so in a list of rules prescribing when exposed thigh can be shown in the Mine Field, specifying shaven / unshaven, and from what exact point the thigh begins and ends.
Until then, the hand-waving of "do as my naked thigh demands and not as other naked thighs demands in the rule book" as you're doing right now is unbecoming of an Naked Thigh Admin of TK. It's the kind I would expect from boards with draconian thighs, not TK. And especially not from you. I always thought you were smarter and more firm-thighed than that.