Election Retrospective: 2000


I love this place
So, bearing in mind that the question "Had all Florida ballots been [re]counted, would Gore have won?" has been definitively answered "Yes," (mind, we're not just talking about Miami-Dade county there) and recalling that - were it not for the archaic institution of the electoral college, not justified in the modern age - Gore would've won anyway, we now pose the questions:

What does it feel like to wake up in the morning and realize you could've - should've - been president?

Would Gore have won re-election in 2004? Would Bush have even been the Republican candidate after the drama-filled loss of 2000? Where would the deficit be today? How about the economy? Any different, seriously?

Would the US have invaded Afghanistan? Iraq? Iran? Would the Twin Towers attacks have been executed? Succeeded?

How many people would know who John Kerry is? Would Barak Obama's name be on lips now, as it is? Would we have signed the Kyoto accords? Who would have been nominated for the Supreme Court?

I ask these questions in serious thought now, pondering how historians specializing in the Dawn of the Information Age and living some hundred years hence or so will speculate.

Will the 2000 election go down in history as the fraudulent act that ultimately tipped off the third world war, or the dawn of an American Empire, or heralded the end of the era of democratic rule?
Or will it have mattered at all? Who says we weren't already so far gone by 2000, as a country, that that one election would have made a damn bit of difference either way?
The deficit would have been inevetable, but maybe not so large. The economic boom caused by the Y2K bug re-equippage boom for the electronics industry and the "Unreasonable exhuberance" of the internet investment boom were already set to fall...the tax base was going to shrink regardless of who was president.

However, I'm not so sure we'd be spending money like water as we poured it down the Iraqi well. With Gore arguably more "Green" and Bush, there may have been more money spent on alternative energy programs, allowing the US to disengage more from the middle-east (although realistically the US would not abandon Israel, the main bone of contention).

911 may or may not have happened. And you never know, Gore may be thanking his lucky stars right now that he doesn't have to deal with the mess.
I'm not sure any Administration changes the course of history as much as the Court does. It's the court that sets the standard we'll live by for generations. If Gore had won, we'd have a different Court.

Impossible to say, who would be on that court because a Democratic President would have still had to get those nominations by a Republican Congress, but it would be different.

As it is, we're stuck with the way things actually happened. I wish it weren't so.
I got nothin'. I'm currently not so thrilled with how things are going but I do believe that ultimately Bush's presidency will go down as a fine one. He's yet to be pinned down to anything too scandalous.
Not only that, history tends to get written after all the *spin pundies* have dropped off the map. GW won't have the benefit of the RNC and Fox News to spin his performance. Historians will analyze it.

History will not be kind of GW. History will judge him on his accomplishments, not one or two speeches. History will judge him on the results of the things he did accomplish or did not accomplish.

History will also have the benefit of already knowing where this deficit took us, where this particular SCOTUS took us, and where the war in Iraq took us. All things that will be put at GW's feet by history.

And I'm being kind, because we'll also know then, where the wire-tapping, corruption, CIA leak, Katrina recovery etc.. [God the list does seem to go on and on] took us.

Sucks to be GW Bush.
And yet Clinton will go down in the books as being the President impeached over a blowjob....
I like how everyone BUT the liberal media are "spinning it". I didn't say he was going to go down as the greatest president in history but he also not going to go down as the hillbillie schmuck that liked to stick cigars in intern's vaginas either.

*IF* Bush ever gets nailed I have no doubt in my mind that he's more than responsible for some of it. Let's just hope that at the furious rate the Dems are digging for it they'll find it before 2008. Kind of a waste of resources if you ask me. Try prettying up your pathetic party and maybe you can gain a seat or two this year.
Sarek said:
And yet Clinton will go down in the books as being the President impeached over a blowjob....

You'd like to think that wouldn't you? No he was the president that got impeached for perjury, Sweets. Some of us don't re-write history.
Laker_Girl said:
You'd like to think that wouldn't you? No he was the president that got impeached for perjury, Sweets. Some of us don't re-write history.

Yes. He lied about a blowjob.
Laker_Girl said:
A lie is a lie. He should have just taken the fifth, he didn't have to LIE. ZING!

Very true. However, will you still be singing the same tune if and when they start proceedings to impeach Bush over his numerous lies while in office. ;)
^Bullshit I wouldn't. I've got lack luster love for that man, he's been pissin' me off.

And Cait, all lying is wrong but if you have to tell someone that looks like hammered shit that they don't look like hammered shit then I think that's a bit more acceptable. You should avoid lying whenever possible. Clinton didn't have to lie.
Laker_Girl said:
^Bullshit I wouldn't. I've got lack luster love for that man, he's been pissin' me off.

And Cait, all lying is wrong but if you have to tell someone that looks like hammered shit that they don't look like hammered shit then I think that's a bit more acceptable. You should avoid lying whenever possible. Clinton didn't have to lie.

Just wanted to know.. You're against lying, except to spare someone's feelings about whether their ass looks fat in a pair of jeans. Got Ya!
Caitriona said:
Just wanted to know.. You're against lying, except to spare someone's feelings about whether their ass looks fat in a pair of jeans. Got Ya!

That and driving drunk, you should always lie about driving drunk.
TJHairball said:
Would Gore have won re-election in 2004?
Impossible to know.

Would Bush have even been the Republican candidate after the drama-filled loss of 2000?
Had a recount occured and their tactics exposed, doubtful.

Where would the deficit be today? How about the economy? Any different, seriously?
Impossible to quantize. The attacks of 9/11 caused ripples in the water. It is possible that they might not have occured during Gore's watch. See below
Would the US have invaded Afghanistan? Iraq? Iran? Would the Twin Towers attacks have been executed? Succeeded?
All are linked and stem from the attacks. Practically everything. The Patriot Act no one read, the stifling of debate, the casus belli against the entire planet and the way the US can defy with impunity the international voice, the torture scandals, Guantanamo prison, Halliburton screwing Iraq over, fictional solidarity with Israel over terrorism, soldiers dying one after another thanks to flimsy yet extraodinarily expensive armor, resources diverted which could have saved New Orleans, librarians being spied on as well as activists who feed the homeless with vegetarian meals, illegal phone taps, the image of the United States, the price of gas, and .... King Bush.
How many people would know who John Kerry is? Would Barak Obama's name be on lips now, as it is? Would we have signed the Kyoto accords? Who would have been nominated for the Supreme Court?
Small potatoes, but John Kerry is shit either way who wanted to fight the same war except on 'friendlier' terms, and who serves the same masters.

I ask these questions in serious thought now, pondering how historians specializing in the Dawn of the Information Age and living some hundred years hence or so will speculate.
We don't need hundreds of years to compute. Other U.S. Presidents have screwed up, but Bush is the grand master of incompetence to the point where it seems deliberate.

Will the 2000 election go down in history as the fraudulent act that ultimately tipped off the third world war, or the dawn of an American Empire, or heralded the end of the era of democratic rule?
'or' ?

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