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Just Watched Star Blazers

Saturday, April 29, 2006 9:17 PM

Thank you very much for lending it to me; I really enjoyed it! Not only were you right about it being easy to follow without the first tape; all the reserves I had about it were put to rest in the first ten minutes. The space battle scenes were interesting -- much more so than the usual animated battle scenes I've seen, and the interpersonal relationships and stories were unexpectedly engrossing.

I hope we can watch some more the next time I visit, you might just make me a big fan of the show!

If you'd like, I'd be happy to lend you my Soap DVDs for a while. I won't be watching them right now, and wouldn't mind you borrowing them at all. Sort of a "thank you" for the introduction to Star Blazers.

Apparently there are tentative plans to make a live-action film. Here is the article from Cinescape, dated Wednesday, April 26 of this year:

"Movie News
STAR BLAZERS Cruises Toward Big Screen
Dateline: Wednesday, April 26, 2006
By: Source: Hollywood Reporter

Benderspink Productions and producer Josh C. Kline to produce a live action version of STAR BLAZERS.

In the 70's and 80's, three TV series and five animated feature films were produced based on the property. The story is set in the 22nd century after an alien attack on Earth forces survivors to live in underground cities. After a message arrives from a distant planet promising a cure for the growing surface radiation, Earth's last hope rests on the crew of a powerful yet untested spaceship, which must reach the purported new ally and return home before mankind ceases to exist.

No screenwriter is attached yet. "

Saturday, April 29, 2006 9:27 PM

Hi [Gonad],

That's great you enjoyed Star Blazers. I've got all of the rest of the episodes from season one. They just get better and better. I wonder how they could cover so much material in onemovie. I don't know a whole lot about anime, but I've always loved Star Blazers. I think it would be great if you came over sometime and we watched the rest of the shows. Oh, I'd love to watch the Soap episodes too.

I had spent the day with my parents today. I had a long dicussion with my stepfaterh about the Star Trek episodes we wached yesterday. He like Star Trek too.

I really liked meeting you last night. You seem like someone I could really talk to. I don't often meet people like that. I'm glad you let me give you a good night kiss too. :) I hope to see you again soon.

[Name Removed]
Saturday, April 29, 2006 9:42 PM

Yeah, just reading mention of "good night kiss" is making all the blood rush to my face.... Thank you for giving me one. Maybe I can hang out again next Friday. Getting to the house before ten at night will give us lots of time to watch Star Blazers and other stuff. I'm going to call [Name Removed] right away and see what he's doing next Friday, since I also have a really disturbing movie I want to watch with him. Maybe if he's got plans you and I can still meet up. What do you think?

I really liked talking with you too, but I'm afraid I might ask you some of the same questions again next time (like what you do for a living and other questions I don't remember), I was a little drunk and some of what you said didn't get through.

It rained all day in [City Removed] where I live, what did you and your Mom and Stepdad end up doing?

Saturday, April 29, 2006 9:52 PM

Next Friday would be great. And we can certainly meet up, even if [Name Removed] has something else to do. And you can ask me all the questions you want to as many times as you want to.

My Stepdad had a medical conference today, so I basically just drove my Mom around. She was really interested in seeing downtown. We did a bit of shopping too. We met up with my Stepfather around 6:00 and ate dinner at [Restaurant], which is an Italian restaurant downtown. It was a good day. I had fun.

What did you end up doing today? How was breakfast? I would have gone if I didn't already have plans with my Mom.

[Name Removed]
Saturday, April 29, 2006 10:09 PM

7:00 on Friday would be perfect. I work until 5:00 but sometimes don't leave until 5:30. I will definitely be home by 6:30. I'm looking forward to seeing you.

My stepdad is an [Profession Removed]. He is a great person. I really look up to him for many reasons.

How's the studying going?
Saturday, April 29, 2006 10:39 PM

I never really liked any of my classes that involved numbers. I was not very good at accounting or statistics. Somehow I always managed to get through them though. I think group projects can be fun as long as one person in the group doesn't get stuck doing all the work and no one in the group gets too bossy. I got my bachelor's degree in communications and my minor in business. Still not sure why I chose communications. My last year of school I interned at a TV news station. I really hated it, but by that time I felt like it was too late to change my major. Looking back, I don't think it is ever really too late to change direction.
Saturday, April 29, 2006 11:03 PM

Hmm that's a good question. I actually do think that I use at least some of what I learned in college in my job. Some of the communications courses can be applied to almost any situation or career. The more technical stuff I learned about video/TV production has kind of escaped me. Also, the technology has changed so much since [Year Removed] (that's when I graduated) that I don't think I would have a clue as to what is going on in a modern TV control room.

I have been working on the business and legal end of [Profession Removed] for the last couple of years. I like my job, but I don't have passion for it. At least not yet.

Off topic/The Best of TV Funhouse is going to be on SNL tonight. Good stuff sometimes.

[Name Removed]
Saturday, April 29, 2006 11:12 PM

Yeah, I heard about the TV Funhouse tonight. Hosted by the Ambiguously Gay Duo, right? This is wierd but I don't really watch TV anymore. Not broadcast, anyways. I used to watch a TON of tv (just ask [Name Removed]!) but I decided that I had seen and taped enough and stopped back in early 1999. I don't have cable or anything now. Just a whole lot of movies and old stuff I taped off the tv.

I'm glad to learn you like your job. That's the most anyone can really hope for, save your passion for your hobbies!

I'm probably going to get off the computer for the night soon, so have a nice night and enjoy the TV Funhouse special!

Good Night!

Sunday, April 30, 2006 4:55 AM

Wow, I just woke up.

I swear I was just getting ready for SNL and I completely fell asleep. I missed the whole thing. It's now about 5:00 am. What time did you end up going to sleep?

We don't have cable here either. There really isn't much on TV to watch most of the time, however I do love to watch Conan O'Brien. I'd be interested in seeing what shows you have on tape.

Well, I'm glad I had a chance to talk with you tonight and excited that we have plans to watch Star Blazers on Friday. I haven't watched it in a long time, plus I'm looking forward to the company.

I hope you slept well.

[Name Removed]
Sunday, April 30, 2006 9:10 AM

I just woke up now, at 9:00 AM.

I have an awful lot of stuff taped off the TV. I have it all listed on an index card system, but I can make up a list pretty fast. Be warned, it will be an intimidating list. I have some sketch comedy, sitcoms, Canadian family dramas, mostly that kind of stuff. I'm a big Kids in the Hall fan, so I have those and Newsradio and Forever Knight and Wings. I'm very happy that those are all coming out on DVD so I can put some of these tapes in storage and have more bookshelf space.

Sunday, April 30, 2006 1:06 PM

I went to sleep at about 1AM

Okay, I made that list. It is pretty much everything, but I also have a few oddities; a single episode of Jeopardy, a single episode of this or that that I left out. I don't have every episode of any of these shows, but I have one or two or fifty or a hundred, depending on the show. I didn't bother taping any Star Trek because I knew it would always be easy to find if I wanted it. I have a ton of movies that I've bought over the years, but there are too many for a list to be any good.

[List Removed]

Sunday, April 30, 2006 5:55 PM

Hi [Gonad], how is your day going?

I just ready over your list. I'm impressed that you gathered it up so quickly. I'm wondering if you have any of the Kenny Rogers skits from Mad TV. Those really crack me up. Do you know what I'm talking about? Death of the Incredible Hulk. I remember since one when I was either a freshman or sophomore in high school. That one ends pretty sad, but I suppose they didn't have anywhere left to go since Bill Bixby didn't have that long left to live. When I was a kid I lived for the Incredible Hulk TV show. It was on every Friday night and I was always captivated. I have the series pilot/TV movie on DVD. I love it. Season One is coming out on DVD this summer and I really think I might get it. Have you ever heard of a show called Jason of Star Command? I'm asking because the same guy who played Scotty (is his name James Doohan?) was also in this show. It came on Saturday mornings, very late 70's. It was kind of a Star Wars wannabe, but I really liked it . . . I've heard that this show is coming to DVD this summer as well and I will definitely get this one. I haven't seen it since probably 1979 or 1980.

I'm sure I'm going to have more questions about the show s you do have. Do you have the Happy Fun Ball commercial from SNL. Any episodes of Conan w/Andy? You know I actually thought about recording that show when he was on. For a couple of reasons. First I love it so much that I figures it wouldn't last on the air long. I also wanted to record it when Andy was still on when I head he was leaving. I have quite a few Happy Days episodes taped, but unfortunately I don't have any from the best 3 seasons, season 3,4&5. I only have stuff from season one, which is actually pretty good, and a bunch from the last few seasons, which is just way too corny. I still secretly like the last few years though. There are a few good episodes.

[Name Removed]
Sunday, April 30, 2006 7:38 PM

MadTV: I've only got one or two episodes from the first season. . . .

I missed watching The Incredible Hulk series, I might have seen a few reruns but I was very young at the time. I remember my Dad had this movie and The Incredible Hulk Returns. I always loved that one because Thor was so cool. I've got The Death of the Incredible Hulk because I wanted those Von Drake Duck shows and so I borrowed my Dad's old tapes and re-dubbed them, and that movie was on the end of one of them. I'd like to watch the pilot sometime.

I've only heard of Jason of Star Command from looking up James Doohan's filmography.

All of my Conan episodes are from when Andy was there, so he is in most if not all of them. I don't think I have any of the really funny classic stuff of theirs on tape, but I do have one or two "In the Year 3000" skits, which crack me up. I really only taped it when particular people were on it.

This is a little embarrassing, but I've never seen any Happy Days! I feel like I'm the only person in all my friends who hasn't. It just seemed like I wasn't able to watch it any time it was on. When it was on Nick at Night I didn't have cable...etc. I wasn't aware that the show changed in quality in its later seasons, but I guess most shows do. I won't hold it against you!

My day has been pretty good. My ex *still* hasn't even really started moving, but I guess it's because the girl whose room he is getting hasn't moved her stuff out. He never bothered packing his stuff, either. So it's still all mixed in with my stuff so I don't know how that is going to work out. All of the furniture is mine except for the bed, couch, and computer. The computer is staying here because he was hard up for cash so I paid him $100 to let me keep it here indefinitely, since I need it for school and job-hunting. I'm really looking forward to living by myself again. See, not much is going on in my life, just school, work, and break-up. So I'm afraid when you ask me about my life all that's really going on is the breakup stuff. I'm keeping the cat; we agreed it would be best for the cat since I'm better about taking care of it. It's too bad, because I don't like taking care of things but it really is best for the cat.

When I keep mentioning Von Drake duck, do you know what that is? They are these great older Disney cartoons that I got off the Wonderful World of Disney in the 80s. They're clearly older than that, and while they are educational (for kids, anyway) they are very funny! They are hosted by Ludwig Von Drake, Donald Duck's uncle, and he'll talk about a particular subject and show little animated clips about it. I looked online for a clip so you could see what I'm describing, but I can't find one (damn Disney for being so copyright-paranoid!).

Sunday, April 30, 2006 10:26 PM

Don't be embarrassed because you haven't seen Happy Days. Heck, I should be the one being embarrassed because it is my favorite show. And yes the quality definitely went down towards the end. Have you ever heard the term "jump the shark?" It comes from an episode of Happy Days where the Fonze jumps a shark on water-skis. Most people agree this is the exact moment that the show started to go downhill.

Check out

I checked out the Jason of Star Command pages. I had been to one of them before. Seeing that stuff brings back some good memories. I really loved all the Saturday morning stuff of the late 70's and early 80's. Tarzan, Superfriends, Captain Caveman, Speed Buggy. I could go on forever, but don't worry I won't.

I don't believe I've ever heard anything about Von Drake Duck. You'll have to educate me about him. I never watched the Wonderful World of Disney as a kid. Hmm missed out I guess.

I know break ups are really hard and just suck for the most part. I went through an extremely hard one about 2 years ago.

I really want to watch your episodes of Conan sometime. What guest are on the ones you have taped?

[Name Removed]
Sunday, April 30, 2006 11:49 PM

Thanks! I've heard of the term "jump the shark" for a few years now, but I had no idea it originated from Happy Days. I'll have to take a look at that site. Here is a list of who I think I have on Conan. It is probably incomplete; there might be some people on the list that I actually don't have, as well as people not on the list that I do have. The reason I can pull all of this info so quickly is because when my tape collection started getting large, I labeled the tapes carefully and kept two different sets of cross-indexed note cards (hey-- it was my hobby!). Those cards have gotten pretty disorganized over the past seven years since I stopped, but most of them are all in the same place, so I just have to go dig them out and the info is right there.

The earliest episode I have is from early (maybe February?) 1995.

. . . .

Yeah, break-ups suck. This one isn't as hard as I expected, and has been pretty amicable considering what it is. I kind of want to break all ties right now but after four years there are things that can't be undone so conveniently, like the cat and the phone plan. I'm happy to have the extra alone time to get some school work done. That's too bad about your messy break-up. I hope that in this case time has healed most of the wounds for you.

Monday, May 1, 2006 9:27 AM

. . . .

Oooh, I'd love to see Conan from 1995. . .

My break-up was more sad than messy when I think about it . . . Nothing really bad happened; it's just that I suppose my ex and I are really different people. . .

I'm at work right now. I think today is going to be a pretty decent day. Not nearly as stressful as Friday was. However, I must say, Friday ended pretty good. After all, I got to meet you.

[Name Removed]